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Edit on GitHubPolicySetting
actor | Actor | The actor information for the setting creator. |
default | Boolean | If true this value is derived from the default value of the type . |
enforce | Scalar | Optional enforce value for this setting. |
exception | Int | The number of settings that this setting is an exception to. |
input | String | |
isCalculated | Boolean | If true this setting contains calculated inputs e.g. templateInput and template . |
note | String | Optional note annotating this setting. |
orphan | Int | The number of settings that this setting is orphaned by. |
policyHierarchy | PolicyHierarchy | The resource policyHierarchy for this setting, including attached smart folders. |
policyValues | PolicyValues | Returns any policyValues for this PolicySetting that you have permission to get, subject to the optional filter and paging arguments. |
precedence | PolicySettingPrecedence! | The precedence for this setting. |
resource | Resource | The resource this setting is set on. |
secretValue | Scalar | The unencrypted value in JSON format. You must have Turbot/Admin permissions granted on this setting's resource or above to call this field. |
secretValueSource | String | The unencrypted raw value in YAML format. If the setting was made via YAML template including comments, these will be included here. You must have Turbot/Admin permissions granted on this setting's resource or above to call this field. |
template | String | The Nunjucks template if this setting is for a calculated value. |
templateInput | Scalar | The GraphQL input query if this setting is for a calculated value. |
turbot | TurbotPolicySettingMetadata! | Turbot metadata for this setting. |
type | PolicyType | The type information for this setting. |
validFromTimestamp | String | The validFromTimestamp for this setting. |
validToTimestamp | String | The validToTimestamp for this setting. |
value | JSON | The value in JSON format |
valueSource | Scalar | The raw value in YAML format. If the setting was made via YAML template including comments, these will be included here. |