Destroy a Stack

Guardrails stack controls help you centrally deploy, configure, and manage cloud-based resources using OpenTofu. This includes destroying the resources if you no longer need them.

In this guide, you will configure stack policies to preview deletion and then delete all stack resources.


Step 1: Change Primary Policy to Preview Deletion

The AWS > IAM > Stack [Native] policy is the primary policy for the AWS > IAM > Stack [Native] control. This policy determines the enforcement behavior. To preview the changes before enforcing them, set the policy to the Check: Configured.

Edit the for the Deploy AWS IAM Stack policy pack. Uncomment the Check: Configured value and comment out Enforce: Configured:

# AWS > IAM > Stack [Native]
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "aws_account_stack" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/aws#/policy/types/accountStackNative"
value = "Check: Configured"
# value = "Enforce: Configured"

Step 2: Change Stack Source to Empty Plan

The Source policy setting for stack control contains the OpenTofu HCL that describes the resources to configure. The stack control manages the OpenTofu state and expects to continue to manage any resources that it creates. As a result, removing a resource from the source will cause it to be destroyed. To destroy all resources that are managed by this stack control, simply remove them all from the plan and replace them with an empty plan.

The file in the policy pack includes a commented-out example value for destroying the stack. Comment the current value, and uncomment the empty source (value = "{}"):

# AWS > IAM > Stack [Native] > Source
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "aws_iam_stack_source" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/aws-iam#/policy/types/iamStackNativeSource"
# Create a stack using the ./stack/source.tofu
# value = file("./stack/source.tofu")
# Destroy all resources in the stack
value = "{}"

Step 3: Apply Updated Policy Pack

When you are ready to update the policy pack, reapply the Terraform plan in your workspace:

terraform apply

Step 4: Preview Deletion in Control Process Log

The AWS > IAM > Stack [Native] will run automatically because the policies have changed. Since the AWS configuration no longer matches the Source, the controls will go to an Alarm state. Because we set the primary control to Check: Configured, however, the stack will not delete the resources at this time.

You can check the control status individually from the control detail page, or view them all from the Controls tab by searching or filtering on the AWS > IAM > Stack [Native] type.

You can view the process logs for the control to view the the OpenTofu output and preview the deletion

Step 5: Change Primary Policy to Enforce Deletion

Now, let's change the AWS > IAM > Stack [Native] policy to enforce the configuration and destroy the resources. Edit the for the Deploy AWS IAM Stack policy pack. Uncomment the Enforce: Configured value and comment out Check: Configured:

# AWS > IAM > Stack [Native]
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "aws_account_stack" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/aws#/policy/types/accountStackNative"
# value = "Check: Configured"
value = "Enforce: Configured"

Step 6: Apply Updated Policy Pack

Reapply the Terraform plan in your workspace:

terraform apply

Step 7: View Control Run

In a few seconds, the stack control will run and destroy the IAM resources in each account. You can view the process logs for the control to view the OpenTofu output and confirm.

Step 8: Review

  • Verify that VPCs have been destroyed in the accounts that you specified.
$ aws iam get-role --role-name read_only_role --profile dmi-scranton
An error occurred (NoSuchEntity) when calling the GetRole operation: The role with name read_only_role cannot be found.

Next Steps


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