Importing Account Basics
Guardrails makes it easy to import AWS accounts, Azure subscriptions, and GCP projects. All three types of accounts can be imported via the Console, Terraform, or even via a GraphQL API request. Do a thorough read of the appropriate integration guides. These contain additional steps that must be done prior to importing into Guardrails:
Ensure that the proper access permissions are in place in the child account or Guardrails won't be able to get very far with Discovery!
Guardrails Console

Pick a cloud resource to import

This is the information required to import an AWS Account.

This is the information required to import an Azure Subscription.

This is the information required to import an Azure Tenant.

Management Group
This is the information required to import an Azure Management Group.

Active Directory
This is the information required to import an Azure Subscription.

This is the information required to import an GCP Project.
Simple import

Advanced import