Import Azure Subscription into Guardrails

Proper setup in the Azure tenant is required for import of an Azure Subscription into a Guardrails workspace.

While you can import an Azure Subscription at the Turbot level, it is recommended that you import accounts into Guardrails Folders, as it provides greater flexibility and ease of management. Define a Folder hierarchy prior to import.

Import Azure Subscription via Guardrails Console

Login to Guardrails workspace console in with Turbot/Admin permissions, select the CONNECT card in the top right corner. Select Azure from the panel.

Provide the details as below:

  • Select Azure Subscription option.
  • Select the Guardrails folder where you would like to import your subscription from Choose your folder.
  • Provide the Subscription ID.

  • Provide the Tenant ID.
  • Provide Client ID and Client Key (secret) in Client details.
  • Provide Environment from the dropdown list.

Select Connect.

CMDB and Discovery controls are enabled by default and Guardrails will begin discovering the resources in the Azure Tenant. Resources will start appearing right away, and resource discovery will continue to run in the background.

Import Subscription via Terraform

Administrators can easily import subscriptions using Terraform. If your Terraform environment has not been set up, head on over to the Terraform Setup Page.

# Create the Azure > Subscription resource in Guardrails
resource "turbot_resource" "subscription_resource" {
parent = var.parent_resource
type = "tmod:@turbot/azure#/resource/types/subscription"
metadata = jsonencode({
"azure" : {
"subscriptionId" : "{your subscription id}", //highlight-line
"tenantId" : "{your tenant id}" //highlight-line
data = jsonencode({
"subscriptionId" : "{your subscription id}" //highlight-line
# Set the credentials for the subscription via Guardrails policies
# Azure > Environment
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "environment" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/azure#/policy/types/environment"
value = "Global Cloud"
# value = "US Government"
# Azure > Client Key
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "clientKey" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/azure#/policy/types/clientKey"
value = "{turbot application client key}"
# Azure > Client ID
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "clientId" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/azure#/policy/types/clientId"
value = "{turbot application client id}"
# Azure > Tenant ID
resource "turbot_policy_setting" "tenantId" {
resource =
type = "tmod:@turbot/azure#/policy/types/tenantId"
value = "{your tenant id}" //highlight-line