Resource Hierarchy


All resources in Guardrails are arranged into a hierarchy. Each resource has one parent, and zero or more children.

The Resource Hierarchy may be many levels deep, but has 3 general tiers:

TurbotRoot node of the hierarchy.
FoldersHierarchy of folders defined in Guardrails. Typically used to separate resources by business unit.
Discoverable ResourcesResources discovered from various sources such as cloud providers, servers and other services.

Turbot Root

Turbot Root is the top level resource of the entire hierarchy, and all other resources are descendants of this node. This resource is the target for various controls and policies used by the Guardrails system.


Folders provide a high level arrangement of resources in Guardrails. Common models for folders include:

Business UnitR&D, Commercial, Admin
ComplianceGxP production, GxP Development, PCI, Commercial
EnvironmentDevelopment, Testing, Production

A typical hierarchy might look something like the following:

{Company Folder} (Folder)
{Top Level Folder} (Folder)
{Intermediate Folder} (Folder)
  • Folders can be renamed and moved. Use names that make sense within the organization structure.
  • Folders are limited to single inheritance only, consider Policy Packs for cross-hierarchy organization.
  • Folder structure is best configured in such a way that matches control, business, and permission requirements!
  • Folders can be created an destroyed using the Turbot Guardrails Terraform Provider.

Policy Packs

Policy Packs are a collection of Policy Settings that can be attached to folders. They do not affect the resource hierarchy described above, but are part of the Policy Hierarchy.

Discoverable Resources

The vast majority of resources in Guardrails are created to represent resources in other tools or systems. Cloud providers, operating systems, SaaS tools - virtually any system can be a source of Guardrails Resources.

All discovered resources are added to the Guardrails Resource Hierarchy. Mods define the structure of these resources, Guardrails simply ensures they are valid and structured according to their definition.

AWS Account 1111 is added as a discoverable resource, providing Guardrails with permission to query it's resources. The AWS mods in Guardrails then crawl and discover all resources in that AWS account (e.g. S3 buckets, IAM users, EC2 instances) and add them to the Guardrails Resource Hierarchy.