Is there a set of Mods that need to be installed before importing GCP projects?

Yes! The @turbot/GCP and @turbot/gcp-iam mods must be installed prior to importing a GCP project. Service specific mods, such as @turbot/gcp-computeengine, must also be installed to populate relevant policies and controls. Check out our recommended baseline mods for any new environment.

Where can I restrict which regions Guardrails is monitoring?

Guardrails will monitor all GCP regions by default. Using the GCP > Turbot > Regions policy, organizations can restrict which regions Guardrails monitors. The expected format is an array of regions names. This policy is the default value for all service Regions policies, such as GCP > Compute Engine > Instance > Regions. It is important to note that any resource in a region not listed will not be recorded in the Guardrails CMDB.

How do I rotate the GCP Project credentials integrated with Guardrails?

When you need to update your credentials that link Guardrails to your GCP Project, the following steps can be followed via the Turbot Guardrails console. For programmatic updates, you can use the Turbot Guardrails GraphQL API or the Guardrails Terraform provider.

There are two policies used to integrate a GCP Project with Turbot Guardrails:

GCP > Client Email:

  1. Navigate to the Policies tab and search for "Client Email" or browse to GCP > Client Email.
  2. In the GCP > Client Email policy page, click the Settings subtab.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the GCP > Client Email policy you intend to update.

GCP > Private Key:

  1. Navigate to the Policies tab and search for "Private Key" or browse to GCP > Private Key.
  2. In the GCP > Private Key policy page, click the Settings subtab.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the GCP > Private Key policy you intend to update.
  4. Note: you will need to format the Key in a multi-line format. Example of the Key format can be found here.

Credential Verification:

After updating the credentials, Guardrails will automatically trigger the GCP > Project > CMDB control to verify access to the Project. Successful credential updates should have the GCP > Project > CMDB control go into or stay in an ok state.

Manual Verification: To manually verify if the credentials are functional:

  1. Visit the Controls tab and navigate to the GCP > Project > CMDB page.
  2. Access the Controls subtab to view all Project CMDB controls.
  3. Select the applicable GCP Project, choose Actions, then click on Run control to prompt Turbot Guardrails for a CMDB update.

If an error arises, consult the log for permission issues. If the status is OK, the credential update was successful. After you confirm the new credential is working as expected, you can remove the prior Service Account Key.