Enable Workspace Verbose Logging

In this guide, you will:

  • Use AWS console setting verbose logging in the Events and API containers.
  • Learn how to troubleshoot in Guardrails.

Verbose logging is primarily used for troubleshooting and is generally only necessary when working with Turbot Support to diagnose specific issues. When enabled, verbose logging on Events and API containers should be viewed as a short-term solution, active only for the duration required to gather essential data.

It's important to note that keeping verbose logging enabled for extended periods can lead to a significant increase in logging costs, while offering little to no additional value from the data collected.


  • Access to the Guardrails AWS account with Administrator privileges.
  • Familiarity with AWS Console, Systems Manager(SSM), Service Catalog and CloudFormation services.

Step 1: Access AWS Console

Open the AWS Console and navigate to the System Manager service in the region where Guardrails stacks are deployed

Step 2: Navigate to Parameter Store

Choose Parameter Store from the left navigation menu.

Step 3: Identify SSM Parameter Value

To enable verbose event logging, first identify the workspace(s) you want to configure. Search for tenant to generate a list of parameters for all workspaces in this region, then Locate the relevant parameters, which will follow this format: /{turbot_prefix}/tenant/{workspace}.{installation_domain}.

Step 4: Verify Parameter Value

Choose the tenant parameter and verify if the log_level is set to debug, as this is the default setting.

Step 5: Modify Parameter Value

Select Edit and update log_level to verbose in Value field. Then select Save changes.


Ensure the parameter string is a valid JSON before saving. Keep all rest of the values as default.

Step 6: Enable Verbose Logging in Service Catalog

Navigate to the Service Catalog service and select the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise (TE) provisioned product where verbose logging is required. Then, select Actions and choose Update.

Toggle the Deployment Trigger between Blue <> Green, this will trigger the TE CloudFormation stack to ensure that the Events and API containers are using the latest SSM parameter values. No other changes to the TE stack are required as a part of these troubleshooting steps. Select Update.

Step 7: Review Cloud Formation Stack

  • The TED CloudFormation stack status should change to UPDATE_COMPLETE indicating the update completed successfully.

Step 8: Search for Troubleshooting Data

With verbose logging now enabled, you can navigate to CloudWatch service and find the Log Group(s) for /{turbot_prefix}/{te_version}/events or /{turbot_prefix}/{te_version}/api to investigate generated events and check for required troubleshooting data.


When troubleshooting is complete, turn off verbose logging. Go to the SSM Console and repeat steps 1 to 5. Edit the log_level back to debug.

If you encounter any issues, please Open Support Ticket and attach the relevant information to assist you more efficiently.

  • A screenshot of the SSM workspace parameter value.
  • A screenshot of the CloudFormation Events tab for the TE stack.
  • A screenshot of the Service Catalog TE provisioned product.