Represents a PolicyValue
for a type
and resource
For more information, please see Policy Values & Settings.
actor | Actor | The actor information for the value creator. |
category | ControlCategory | The category information for this value 's type . |
default | Boolean | If true this value is derived from the default value of the type . |
dependencies | RunnableDependencies | The resource , control and policyValue dependencies for this value . |
dependentControls | Controls | The controls that depend on this value . |
dependentPolicyValues | PolicyValues | The policy values that depend on this value . |
details | Scalar | Optional key-value pair details for this value . Typically used by controls such as approved to indicate the checks that the value was evaluated against. |
isCalculated | Boolean | If true this value is derived from calculated setting inputs e.g. templateInput and template . |
lastProcess | Process | The last process created during creation of this value . |
precedence | String! | The precedence of the setting that this value is derived from. |
reason | String | Optional reason for this value . |
resource | Resource | The resource information for this value . |
secretValue | Scalar | The unencrypted value in JSON format. You must have Turbot/Admin permissions granted on this setting's resource or above to call this field. |
setting | PolicySetting | The setting information for this value . |
state | String | The state of this value . For non-calculated values this will always be ok . |
turbot | TurbotPolicyValueMetadata! | Turbot metadata for this value . |
type | PolicyType | The type information for this value . |
value | Scalar | The value to be used by controls/actions/etc. |