

A Grant representing a permission type and permission level granted to an identity at a given resource. This Grant might not be activated and therefore not in effect. Grant Activations are modelled in the ActiveGrant type.

For more information, please see Permissions.

groupNameStringOptional custom groupName for this Grant, when using existing roles rather than Turbot-managed ones.
identityResourceThe identity this Grant is for.
levelPermissionLevelThe permission level information for this Grant.
permissionLevelIdIDThe unique identifier for the permission level.
permissionTypeIdIDThe unique identifier for the permission type.
resourceResourceThe resource level for this Grant.
roleNameStringOptional custom roleName for this Grant, when using existing roles rather than Turbot-managed ones.
turbotTurbotGrantMetadataTurbot metadata for this Grant.
typePermissionTypeThe permission type information for this Grant.
validFromTimestampStringOptional start date for the Grant.
validToTimestampStringOptional end date for the Grant.