Azure FAQs

Where can I find a list of Azure mods developed by Guardrails?

Guardrails publishes mod information on our Mods page. From here, searching Azure will populate the list with mods specifically for a variety of Azure services. Selecting the mod will display the Readme (if there is one), Inspect (a list of controls, resource types, and policies contained in said policy), Dependencies, as well as Versions.

What API is Guardrails making requests to when Event Polling is configured?

Guardrails queries the Azure Audit Logs (Monitor) service for a list of all changes within the window defined via the Guardrails policy, Azure > Turbot > Event Poller > Window, at an interval defined by the policy Azure > Turbot > Event Poller > Interval. Note that the window policy setting must be greater than the interval, and it is recommended to be at least twice the interval. More detailed information about the policies can be found by inspecting the Azure Mod, as well as the Azure Event Poller page.

How do I rotate the Azure Subscription credentials integrated with Guardrails?

When you need to update your credentials that link Guardrails to your Azure Subscription, the following steps can be followed via the Turbot Guardrails console. For programmatic updates, you can use the Turbot Guardrails GraphQL API or with the Guardrails Terraform provider.

Client Secret rotation requires updates in Azure Active Directory. Refer to these instructions on how to create a new Access Key. Turbot recommends using two client secrets when performing a credential rotation. This ensures that Guardrails always has a valid access key for this subscription.

There are three policies used to integrate an Azure Subscription with Turbot Guardrails:

Tenant ID (Directory ID):

  1. Navigate to the Policies tab and search for "Turbot IAM Access Key ID" or browse to Azure > Tenant ID.
  2. In the Azure > Tenant ID policy page, click the Settings subtab.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the Azure > Tenant ID policy you intend to update.

Client ID (Application ID):

  1. Navigate to the Policies tab and search for "Client ID" or browse to Azure > Client ID.
  2. In the Azure > Client ID policy page, click the Settings subtab.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the Azure > Client ID policy you intend to update.

Client Secret:

  1. Navigate to the Policies tab and search for "Client Secret" or browse to Azure > Client Secret.
  2. In the Azure > Client Secret policy page, click the Settings subtab.
  3. Click on the pencil icon next to the Azure > Client Secret policy you intend to update.

Credential Verification:

After updating the credentials, Guardrails will automatically trigger the Azure > Subscription > CMDB control to verify access to the Subscription. Successful credentials should have the Azure > Subscription > CMDB control go into or stay in an ok state.

Manual Verification: To manually verify if the credentials are functional:

  1. Visit the top Controls tab and navigate to the Azure > Subscription > CMDB page.
  2. Access the Controls subtab to view all Subscription CMDB controls.
  3. Select the applicable Azure Subscription, choose Actions, then click on Run control to prompt Turbot Guardrails for a CMDB update.

If an error arises, consult the log for permission issues. If the status is OK, the credential update was successful.