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Terraform FAQ

How do I create a resource with multiple AKAs?

To create a resource such as a folder with a single AKA, we can add the argument aka to the resource block in the configuration file.

resource "turbot_folder" "test_folder" {
parent = "tmod:@turbot/turbot#/"
title = "My Test Folder"
description = "My test folder with 1 AKA"
akas = ["test-folder"] //highlight-line

To add additional AKA to the resource, simply add items to the array.

resource "turbot_folder" "test_folder_multi_aka" {
parent = "tmod:@turbot/turbot#/"
title = "My Test Folder"
description = "My test folder with multiple AKAs"
akas = ["test-folder-akas-1", "test-folder-akas-2"] //highlight-line

Where can I find example Guardrails Terraform configurations?

You can find lots of examples on our Guardrails Samples Repo.

  • Policy Packs simplify and streamline the process of meeting specific control objectives and accelerate the development and delivery of cloud governance automation.

Which Terraform versions does Guardrails support?

The Guardrails provider supports up to Terraform 0.15.x.