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activateGrant | ActiveGrant | Activate a grant at the given resource . Optionally provide note , validFromTimestamp and validToTimestamp |
attachPolicyPacks | PolicyPack | Attach the policy pack ids for the given resource. |
attachSmartFolders | SmartFolder | Attach the smart folder ids for the given resource. This has been deprecated please use attachPolicyPacks . |
createFavorite | Favorite | Create a favorite for the given resource . Optionally provide resources , level and notificationTypes |
createGoogleDirectory | Resource! | Create a Google directory for searching in Turbot. |
createGrant | Grant | Create a grant for the given type , level , resource and identity . Optionally provide note , validFromTimestamp and validToTimestamp |
createGroupProfile | Resource! | Create a group profile. |
createLdapDirectory | Resource! | Create an LDAP directory for searching in Turbot. |
createLocalDirectory | Resource! | Create a local directory for authentication in Turbot. |
createLocalDirectoryUserPassword | LocalDirectoryUserPassword! | Create a password for the local directory user . |
createPolicyPack | PolicyPack | Create a policy pack for the given parent and with the given data . |
createPolicySetting | PolicySetting | Create a policy setting for the given type , resource and precedence . Provide the setting in either standard form (either value (as JSON) or valueSource (as YAML string), or as a calculated setting with inputTemplate (as YAML Nunjucks template) and optional input (as GraphQL query string). Optionally provide note , validFromTimestamp and validToTimestamp |
createProfile | Resource! | Create a profile. |
createProfileAccessKey | ProfileAccessKey! | Create an access key for the authenticated profile. |
createProfileAwsAccessKey | ProfileAwsAccessKey! | Create profile AWS access key. |
createProfileSshKey | ProfileSshKey! | save SSH public key`. |
createResource | Resource | Create a resource for the given parent and type and with the given data . Optionally provide custom metadata , tags and akas |
createSamlDirectory | Resource! | Create a SAML directory for authentication in Turbot. |
createSmartFolder | SmartFolder | Create a smart folder for the given parent and with the given data . This has been deprecated please use createPolicyPack . |
createTurbotDirectory | Resource! | Create a Turbot directory for authentication in Turbot. |
createWatch | Watch | Create a watch for the given resource . Optionally provide action and favorite |
createWatchRule | WatchRule | Create a watch rule for the given watch . Optionally provide resource , level and notificationTypes |
deactivateGrant | ActiveGrant | Deactivate a grant activation |
deleteFavorite | Favorite | Delete a favorite by id . |
deleteGoogleDirectory | Resource! | Delete a Google directory. |
deleteGrant | Grant | Delete the grant with the given id |
deleteGroupProfile | Resource! | Delete a group profile. |
deleteLdapDirectory | Resource! | Delete an LDAP directory. |
deleteLocalDirectory | Resource! | Delete a local directory. |
deletePolicyPack | Resource | Delete the policy pack with the given id |
deletePolicySetting | PolicySetting | Delete the policy setting with the given id |
deleteProfile | Resource! | Delete a profile. |
deleteProfileAccessKey | ProfileAccessKey! | Delete an access key by id . |
deleteProfileAwsAccessKey | ProfileAwsAccessKey! | Delete profile AWS access key. |
deleteProfileSshKey | ProfileSshKey! | Delete an SSH key by id . |
deleteResource | Resource | Delete the resource with the given id |
deleteSamlDirectory | Resource! | Delete a SAML directory. |
deleteSmartFolder | Resource | Delete the smart folder with the given id . This has been deprecated please use deletePolicyPack . |
deleteTurbotDirectory | Resource! | Delete a Turbot directory. |
deleteWatch | Watch | Delete a watch by id . |
deleteWatchRule | WatchRule | Delete a watch rule by id . |
detachPolicyPacks | PolicyPack | Detach the policy pack ids from the given resource. |
detachSmartFolders | SmartFolder | Detach the smart folder ids from the given resource. This has been deprecated please use detachPolicyPacks . |
installMod | Mod | Install the mod for the given org and version , at the given parent |
muteControl | Control | Mute a control on a given resource and controlType or controlId |
putPolicyPackAttachments | PolicyPack | Put the policy pack ids for the given resource. |
putResource | Resource | Put the resource with the given id . Optionally provide new data , custom metadata , tags or akas |
putSmartFolderAttachments | SmartFolder | Put the smart folder ids for the given resource. This has been deprecated please use putPolicyPackAttachments . |
runAction | Process | Run the action with the given actionTypeId and resourceTypeId |
runControl | Process | Run the control with the given id |
runPolicy | Process | Run the policy with the given id |
terminateProcess | Process | Terminate the process with the given id |
uninstallMod | ModUninstallResult | Uninstall an existing mod with the given id |
unmuteControl | Control | Unmute a control on a given resource and controlType or controlId |
updateGoogleDirectory | Resource! | Update a Google directory. |
updateGrant | Grant | Update a grant with the given id . Optionally provide note , validFromTimestamp and validToTimestamp |
updateGroupProfile | Resource! | Update a group profile. |
updateLdapDirectory | Resource! | Update an LDAP directory. |
updateLocalDirectory | Resource! | Update a local directory. |
updateLocalDirectoryUserPassword | LocalDirectoryUserPassword! | Update the password for the local directory user . |
updatePolicyPack | PolicyPack | Update a policy pack with the given id . |
updatePolicyPackAttachmentPhase | PolicyPack | Put the mode for the policy pack and resource attachment. |
updatePolicySetting | PolicySetting | Update the policy setting with the given id . Provide the setting in either standard form (either value (as JSON) or valueSource (as YAML string), or as a calculated setting with inputTemplate (as YAML Nunjucks template) and optional input (as GraphQL query string). Optionally provide precedence , note , validFromTimestamp and validToTimestamp |
updateProfile | Resource! | Update a profile. |
updateProfileAccessKey | ProfileAccessKey! | Update an access key's status by id . |
updateProfileAwsAccessKey | ProfileAwsAccessKey! | Update profile AWS access key. |
updateProfileSshKey | ProfileSshKey! | Update an SSH key's status by id . |
updateResource | Resource | Update the resource with the given id . Optionally provide a new parent , provide data updates, or update custom metadata , tags and akas |
updateSamlDirectory | Resource! | Update a SAML directory. |
updateSmartFolder | SmartFolder | Update a smart folder with the given id .This has been deprecated please use updatePolicyPack . |
updateTurbotDirectory | Resource! | Update a Turbot directory. |
updateWatch | Watch | Update a watch by id . Optionally provide action and favorite |
updateWatchRule | WatchRule | Update a watch rule by id . Optionally provide resource , level and notificationTypes ", |
uploadMod | ModUploadResult | Upload a local to mod with the given id |
upsertResource | Resource | Upsert a resource for the given parent and type and with the given data . Optionally provide custom metadata , tags and akas . If akas are passed, the first one in the array will be used to look up if the resource already exists. If no akas are passed, the first resource type AKA metadata template will be rendered using the resource data and used to look up if the resource already exists |