Importing an AWS Organization

In this guide, you will:

  • Learn how to import an entire AWS Organization into Turbot Guardrails, enabling Guardrails to discover, govern, and manage resources across all accounts under a single AWS Organization.
  • Monitor and troubleshoot the organization import process to ensure a seamless setup.

Importing an AWS Organization into Guardrails involves the following key steps:

  • Prepare AWS Configurations: Create IAM roles for the management or delegated account and member accounts to grant Guardrails the necessary permissions for secure access and resource discovery.
  • Import the Organization via the Guardrails Console: Use the Guardrails console to establish the connection and enable governance across the AWS Organization.


  • Access to the Guardrails console with Turbot/Owner or Turbot/Admin permissions at the Turbot resource level.
  • Minimum Turbot Enterprise (TE) version v5.48.0 or later.
  • The aws mod v5.36.0 or later installed.
  • Familiarity with the AWS Console, including admin privileges.
  • Cross-account IAM roles in the management or delegated account and member accounts to securely allow Guardrails access without sharing sensitive credentials.

The required mods are applicable for both AWS account and organization imports.

The aws mod is required to import AWS accounts or organizations into a Guardrails workspace. It must be installed before account imports can begin.

Installation of additional mods will depend on your organization's control objectives.

  1. aws
  2. aws-iam
  3. aws-kms
  4. aws-ec2
  5. aws-vpc-*
  6. aws-sns
  7. aws-events
  8. aws-s3
  9. aws-cloudtrail

Follow the steps in Install a Mod to install mods via the Guardrails console.

Step 3: Get AWS Management Account or Delegated Account ID

Account ID of the management account or a delegated account with organization permissions is mandatory for organization import. To obtain the account ID, you can either:

  • Log in to the AWS management account and get the account ID from the top right corner drop-down menu.
  • Log in to the delegated account and get the account ID from the top right corner drop-down menu.

Step 4: Log in to Guardrails Console

Log in to the Guardrails console using your provided local credentials or through any SAML-based login method. Select the CONNECT card, then choose AWS.

Next, select AWS Organization from the Select your account type options.

Step 5: Choose Folder

In the Choose your folder dropdown, select the Guardrails folder where you want to import your organization.

Step 6: Setup Access to Your Organization Management Account

In this step, Guardrails uses:

Cross Account Trust

The IAM role must grant cross-account access for the Turbot Guardrails main AWS account to assume into your AWS account.

  • Turbot Cloud customers, you must allow the Turbot SaaS US AWS Account ID: 287590803701
  • Turbot Cloud EU customers, you must allow the Turbot SaaS EU AWS Account ID: 255798382450
  • Turbot Guardrails Enterprise customers, enter the AWS Account ID of the AWS Account where you have installed the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise stacks.

External ID Considerations

There are two sources for the External ID:

  1. Auto-generated External ID: Guardrails suggests a unique External ID for your Turbot Workspace (e.g., turbot:123456789012345:foo). Use this auto-generated ID when "External ID Protection" is enabled (e.g., the policy AWS > Account > Turbot IAM Role > External ID > Protection is set to Protected). This prevents the confused deputy problem. For more information, see our FAQ: What is Guardrails AWS IAM External ID protection?.
  2. Custom External ID: You can set the External ID to any valid value you prefer.

The default value for AWS > Account > Turbot IAM Role > External ID > Protection is set to Open

Required Permissions to Grant

The permissions you grant to the Guardrails IAM role depend on your use case(s). Guardrails will use the role you specify and the permissions granted to it. Refer to Required Permissions to Grant for various permission sets.

Now as next steps:

  • Provide your Organization Account ID (Obtained in Step 3).
  • Select the Environment.
  • Enter the IAM Role Name.
  • Provide External ID.

Other supported AWS Environments include Commercial Cloud, US Government, and China Cloud.

Give the role a meaningful name along with an appropriate description.

Proceed to create the IAM Role in the organization management or delegated account.

Step 7: Create IAM Role in Management Account or Delegated Account

You can create the IAM role beforehand or during the importing process in the Guardrails import UI. However, it is recommended to create the IAM roles prior to initiating the import process. This ensures that the required IAM role is ready as part of the prerequisites.

To create the IAM role:

  • Download the CloudFormation template file, which will be updated with the two values you provided (i.e., Role Name and External ID) in previous Step 6.

Reference to downloaded CloudFormation Template with ReadOnlyAccess
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
default: "Guardrails Access Role Name"
default: "IAM Path"
default: "Guardrails SaaS Host AWS Account ID"
default: "Role Trust Policy External ID"
- Label:
default: "Default Parameters"
- AccessRoleName
- AccessRoleExternalId
- GuardrailsIamPath
- GuardrailsSaasAccountId
Type: String
Default: turbot-org-readonly
Description: The role that Turbot uses to connect to this account
Type: String
Default: turbot:193176180516865:1767af34-46d4-4ef7-9e9c-2b4968ccf0e4
Description: The AWS External ID to add to the trust policy of the Turbot role
Type: String
Default: "/"
Description: >
The IAM path to use for all IAM roles created in this stack.
The path must either be a single forward slash "/" or
alphanumeric characters with starting and ending forward slashes "/my-path/".
Type: String
Default: '287590803701'
Description: >
The AWS Account ID where Guardrails is installed. This will be added to the
cross account trust policy of the access role. The default value of '287590803701'
refers to the account ID of the Turbot Guardrails SaaS environment. Do not change
the value if importing your account into Guardrails SaaS.
Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
Version: 2012-10-17
- Effect: Allow
AWS: !Sub "arn:aws:iam::${GuardrailsSaaSAccountId}:root"
- "sts:AssumeRole"
"sts:ExternalId": !Ref AccessRoleExternalId
Path: !Ref GuardrailsIamPath
- "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess"
RoleName: !Ref AccessRoleName
Description: "ARN of the Guardrails IAM role"
Value: !GetAtt GuardrailsAccessRole.Arn
Name: "GuardrailsAccessRoleArn"
Description: "External ID used in the Access Role"
Value: !Ref AccessRoleExternalId
Name: "AccessRoleExternalId"

Update Guardrails Hosted Account ID

The downloaded CloudFormation template will have a parameter GuardrailsSaaSAccountId. Incase of Turbot Guardrails enterprise customers, enter the AWS Account ID of the AWS Account where you have installed the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise stacks while executing this template.


SaaS customers do not need to update the GuardrailsSaaSAccountId.

By default, Turbot provides the SaaS account IDs as mentioned in Cross Account Trust.

Type: String
Default: '287590803701'
Description: >
The AWS Account ID where Guardrails is installed. This will be added to the
cross-account trust policy of the access role. The default value of '287590803701'
refers to the account ID of the Turbot Guardrails SaaS environment. Do not change
the value if importing your account into Guardrails SaaS.

Execute the downloaded CloudFormation template in the AWS management or delegated account to create the IAM role.

Step 8: Setup Access to Your Member Accounts

This step follows a similar process as Step 6. Provide the Role Name to be created for each member account and the External ID.

Create IAM Role in Member Accounts

You can create the required IAM role beforehand or during the importing process in the Guardrails Import UI. However, it is recommended to create the IAM roles prior to initiating the import process to ensure the required IAM role is ready.

To create the IAM role:

Download the CloudFormation Template: The template will be pre-configured with the values you provided (i.e., Role Name and External ID).

Execute the CloudFormation Template: Use CloudFormation StackSets in the AWS management or delegated account to deploy the template across member accounts. This creates the required IAM role in each member account.

Reference to downloaded CloudFormation Template with Read Only + Global Event Handlers
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
default: "Guardrails Access Role Name"
default: "Guardrails Access Policy Name"
default: "IAM Path"
default: "Guardrails SaaS Host AWS Account ID"
default: "Role Trust Policy External ID"
- Label:
default: "Default Parameters"
- AccessRoleName
- AccessPolicyName
- AccessRoleExternalId
- EventHandlerRoleName
- GuardrailsIamPath
- GuardrailsSaasAccountId
Type: String
Default: turbot-member-role
Description: The role that Turbot uses to connect to this account
Type: String
Default: turbot_guardrails_access_policy
Description: The name for the policy for SNS and Events write access.
Type: String
Default: turbot-rg
Description: The AWS External ID to add to the trust policy of the Turbot role
Type: String
Default: turbot_guardrails_events_role
Description: The role that Turbot uses to connect to this account
Type: String
Default: "/"
Description: >
The IAM path to use for all IAM roles created in this stack.
The path must either be a single forward slash "/" or
alphanumeric characters with starting and ending forward slashes "/my-path/".
Type: String
Default: '287590803701'
Description: >
The AWS Account ID where Guardrails is installed. This will be added to the
cross account trust policy of the access role. The default value of '287590803701'
refers to the account ID of the Turbot Guardrails SaaS environment. Do not change
the value if importing your account into Guardrails SaaS.
Type: "AWS::IAM::Role"
Version: 2012-10-17
- Effect: Allow
AWS: !Sub "arn:aws:iam::${GuardrailsSaaSAccountId}:root"
- "sts:AssumeRole"
"sts:ExternalId": !Ref AccessRoleExternalId
Path: !Ref GuardrailsIamPath
- "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/ReadOnlyAccess"
RoleName: !Ref AccessRoleName
Type: "AWS::IAM::Policy"
PolicyName: !Ref AccessPolicyName
- !Ref AccessRoleName
Version: 2012-10-17
- Sid: PassRoleToAWS
Effect: Allow
- "iam:PassRole"
- "iam:GetRole"
- !GetAtt EventHandlersGlobalRole.Arn
- Sid: TurbotEvents
Effect: Allow
- "events:PutEvents"
- "events:EnableRule"
- "events:DisableRule"
- "events:PutRule"
- "events:DeleteRule"
- "events:PutTargets"
- "events:RemoveTargets"
- "events:TagResource"
- "events:UntagResource"
- !Sub "arn:aws:events:*:${AWS::AccountId}:rule/turbot_aws_api_events*"
- Sid: TurbotSNS
Effect: Allow
- "sns:TagResource"
- "sns:UntagResource"
- "sns:CreateTopic"
- "sns:DeleteTopic"
- "sns:SetTopicAttributes"
- "sns:Publish"
- "sns:Subscribe"
- "sns:ConfirmSubscription"
- "sns:AddPermission"
- "sns:RemovePermission"
- "sns:Unsubscribe"
- !Sub "arn:aws:sns:*:${AWS::AccountId}:turbot_aws_api_handler*"
- !Sub "arn:aws:sns:*:${AWS::AccountId}:turbot_aws_api_handler*:*"
- GuardrailsAccessRole
Type: 'AWS::IAM::Role'
RoleName: !Ref EventHandlerRoleName
Path: !Ref GuardrailsIamPath
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Action: "sts:AssumeRole"
Effect: "Allow"
Service: ""
- PolicyName: "aws_api_events_policy"
Version: "2012-10-17"
- Effect: "Allow"
- "events:PutEvents"
Resource: !Sub "arn:aws:events:*:${AWS::AccountId}:event-bus/default"
Description: "ARN of the Guardrails IAM role"
Value: !GetAtt GuardrailsAccessRole.Arn
Name: "GuardrailsAccessRoleArn"
Description: "External ID used in the Access Role"
Value: !Ref AccessRoleExternalId
Name: "AccessRoleExternalId"

Step 9: Exclude Accounts and Organization Units

If you wish to exclude specific AWS accounts or Organizational Units (OUs) from being imported into Guardrails, this step is required.


Existing accounts already connected individually in Guardrails will automatically move under the organization hierarchy. If you do not wish to move them, list them in the YAML exclusion list.

Click the Edit button to provide a list of account IDs or OU names to be excluded.

Click the Preview button to ensure no errors are displayed. Proceed to Initiate Connect.

Step 10: Start Import

Select Connect to start the import process.

Guardrails will create and execute discovery controls for your AWS Organization, scanning each account, Organizational Unit, and resource under it.

Step 11: Review

  • Confirm that the organization CMDB and discovery controls are in the OK state.

Navigate to the Resources tab, search for the organization name, and then select the Controls tab to check that the controls are in the OK state.


Policies Stuck in TBDPolicies may remain in the TBD state, preventing them from being evaluated or applied.See here how to run policies in batches
Controls Stuck in TBDControls may remain in the TBD state, indicating they have not yet run or completed.See how to run controls in batches
Event Handler Controls Not in OKEvent handler controls may not be in the OK state, indicating configuration issues with event handlers, topics, or subscriptions.Refer Configuring Real-Time events for more information.
Controls encounters an Access Denied error.If Guardrails controls encounters an Access Denied error due to lack of permission to execute any action in AWs resources.Refer to Required Permissions to Grant for various permission sets..
Common errors.Any common errors preventing controls to run.Refer Common Troubleshooting for more information.
Further AssistanceIf issues persist or you require additional help, you can access detailed troubleshooting documentation or reach out to support.Refer to the Guardrails Troubleshooting Guide or Open a Support Ticket.