Exporting Policy Pack as CSV

In this guide, you will:

  • Use the Guardrails console to export policy settings as a CSV file.

Exporting Turbot Guardrails policy settings as a CSV file enables collaboration and facilitates reviews. While Terraform code is a useful option for technical teams without access to the Guardrails console, exporting policy packs in CSV format provides a versatile approach to analyze and review settings efficiently. Follow these steps to export policy packs in CSV format.


  • Turbot/Operator permissions at the Turbot resource level.
  • Familiarity with the Guardrails console.

Step 1: Log In to the Guardrails Console

Log in to the Guardrails console.

Step 2: Access Reports

Choose Reports from the top navigation menu.

Step 3: Select Policies

Under Policies, select Policy Settings by Resource Type.

Step 4: Choose Resource

Select the required resource from the Resource filter dropdown. For this guide, the selected resource is the Policy Pack.

Step 5: Export CSV

Click the Export to CSV link at the top of the page to download the policy pack as a CSV file. The file will be stored in your local drive.

Next Steps

Explore the following resources to learn more about Guardrails’ Policies feature:


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