Disconnect an AWS account from a Guardrails workspace

As a part of Guardrails workspace maintenance, AWS accounts need to be removed. There are two parts to this process:

  1. Decommission Guardrails-managed resources in the AWS account, where desired. Altering the relevant policy settings will make changes in the AWS account. Administrators should determine if they would like to keep Guardrails-managed resources in the account, such as S3 buckets, or CloudTrail. Event Handlers should always be removed.
  2. Disconnect the AWS account from Guardrails . This is Guardrails-side only change. No changes are made in the AWS account.

Note that disconnecting an AWS account from Guardrails will remove all child CMDB records and policy settings.

Decommission Guardrails Infrastructure

To ensure complete cleanup of Guardrails-managed resources, create the policy settings below with the prescribed values. If you wish to retain those resources, do not create the policy setting. Time should be allowed for Guardrails to complete the removal process for these resources. It is safe to create these policy settings, even if there is no corresponding Enforce: Enabled

  1. AWS > Turbot > Permissions set to Enforce: None. This will remove Guardrails-managed IAM policies, groups, roles and users.
  2. AWS > Turbot > Audit Trail set to Enforce: Not configured. This will remove the Guardrails-managed CloudTrail.
  3. AWS > Turbot > Event Handlers set to Enforce: Not configured. This will remove Guardrails-managed Cloudwatch Event Rules and SNS topics. Refer to the Event Handler documentation for additional context.
  4. AWS > Turbot > Event Handlers [Global] set to Enforce: Not configured. This will remove Guardrails-managed Cloudwatch Event Rules and SNS topics.
  5. AWS > Turbot > Service Roles set to Enforce: Not configured. This will remove any Guardrails-managed IAM service roles.
  6. AWS > Turbot > Logging > Bucket set to Enforce: Not configured. This will remove Guardrails-managed logging S3 buckets. Note: Logging buckets cannot be deleted if they are not empty. Administrators can empty the bucket using the AWS console.
  7. AWS > Turbot > Event Poller to Disabled. When event handlers are set to Skip or Enforce: Not Configured, Polling is automatically enabled. It must be explicitly disabled. Note that full cleanup of event handler resources requires event pollers to still be active. Disable Event Pollers after verifying that all Event Handler infrastructure has been removed from the account.

Once the controls associated with the above policies have completed, the AWS account can be disconnected from the Guardrails workspace.

Disconnect AWS Account from Guardrails

Prior to performing the below steps, delete the policies AWS > Account > Turbot IAM Role > External ID and AWS > Account > Turbot IAM Role configured on the target account. Once they have been removed, the account can be deleted from Guardrails.

  1. In the Guardrails console, navigate to the account that needs to be removed.
  2. Click the Delete button in the top right. If you do not see the delete button, reach out to your Guardrails workspace administrator for proper access.
  3. In the pop-up dialog box, copy the account ID and paste in the text box.
  4. Click Delete. While this is not irreversible (simply reimport the account), it can be time and resource consuming. Be sure to double and triple check!
  5. Guardrails will begin the delete process. The time to complete the deletion will depend on the number of resources and policies that will be removed. The more resources that are being deleted, the longer the process will take.


The disconnection step may time out due to a number of factors including but not limited to overall system load, and the number of resources in the account. The general aim is to reduce the number of resources in the account.

Manual Resource Count Reduction

  1. From the Guardrails landing page, find the AWS Account to be disconnected.
  2. On the Account resource page, go to the little Reports tab. Look at the "Top Resource Types" on the left side. These are the resource to target first.
  3. Switch back to the little Policies tab. Click the green "New Policy Setting" button.
  4. Search for the CMDB policy for the top resource type. It will be in the form of AWS > {Service} > {Resource Type} > CMDB.
  5. The Resource field should already be set to the AWS Account to be disconnected.
  6. Set the CMDB policy to Enforce: Disabled. This will instruct Guardrails to purge all resource records for this resource type.
  7. Click the "Create" button.
  8. Over the next few minutes Guardrails will purge those resource CMDB entries and the overall resource count in the account will go down.
  9. Attempt to disconnect the account. If this times out, continue steps 3 through 8 until the account is successfully disconnected.

Automated Resource Count Reduction

  1. Use the aws_account_delete script in the Guardrails Samples Repo (GSR) to automate the process of creating the CMDB policy settings and disconnecting the account.
  2. Refer to the README for further instructions on how to set up and run the script.

It may take several attempts to delete the account. If the account cannot be disconnected even after drastic reductions in resource counts, please open a ticket with Turbot Support for further assistance.

How Disconnection Works

When a user with sufficient permissions attempts to disconnect an AWS account, Guardrails will try to remove the account, all child resources, controls, policy settings in a single SQL transactions. This is done for safety. Should the transaction fail, it's trivial for the database to roll back to a known good state. The effect of this rollback is that the account remains visible in Guardrails. AWS accounts with larger numbers of resources, the time required to complete the transaction may exceed the statement timeout limit.