

Create a grant for the given type, level, resource and identity or identitySearch. Optionally provide note, validFromTimestamp and validToTimestamp

groupNameStringOptional groupName for the grant, as a string
identityIDThe identity to create the grant for, either as an id, or an AKA
identitySearchIdentitySearchInputThe identitySearch to create the grant for, specifying the directory, type and identity to search for.
levelID!The permission level of the grant to create, either as an id, or an AKA
noteStringOptional note for the grant, as a string
resourceID!The resource level to create the grant at, either as an id, or an AKA
roleNameStringOptional roleName for the grant, as a string
typeID!The permission type of the grant to create, either as an id, or an AKA
validFromTimestampStringOptional validFromTimestamp for the grant, as an ISO string
validToTimestampStringOptional validToTimestamp for the grant, as an ISO string