Resource Activities

Cloud infrastructure constantly changes to meet the demands of modern applications. One of the fundamental assumptions of Guardrails is that the management and governance of these applications must also be dynamic - Guardrails responds in real time to changes in your environment to assure that your applications continue to operate securely and reliably. The Activity page provides visibility into the changes that are occurring in your environment.

Activities represent significant events in the lifecycle of your infrastructure, including:

  • History of change for a resource (e.g. my-bucket).
  • A log of state changes and actions performed by a control (e.g. my-bucket Tags).
  • Changes to policy settings, and the specific policy values they update.
  • Records of permission grants, activations, deactivations and revocations.
Guardrails creates a Bucket created activity when it detects that a new S3 Bucket has been created. This activity includes the bucket name, the creation time, and the person who created it, as well as detailed log information.

Guardrails maintains a history of all activities that you can search and filter, providing an audit trail of everything that occurs in your environment. Guardrails activities contain detailed information about who made the change, the state/value before and after, the timestamp, and other important information. You can use the activity pane to determine who made a change, the difference between the before and after values, and the subsequent related events. In addition, you can view patterns in activity to help determine impacts, systemic problems, and other trends.


Activity logs are displayed throughout the Guardrails user interface. These are available and browsable on demand, including historical information.

Activities may be filtered and queried using the Guardrails filter language

Activity Types

ItemActionActivity TypeDescription
ActionNotifyaction_notifyWhen a Guardrails action invokes a notify command during a run.
ControlNotifycontrol_notifyWhen a Guardrails control invokes a notify command during a run.
ControlUpdatedcontrol_updatedWhen a Guardrails control is updated. Notifications will be sent if and only if a control changes state, i.e. ok -> alarm, invalid -> ok, etc. If the control updates but the state does NOT change, no notification will be generated.
FavoriteCreatedfavorite_createdWhen a favorite is created for a resource.
FavoriteDeletedfavorite_deletedWhen a favorite is deleted for a resource.
Grant ActivationCreatedactive_grants_createdWhen a Guardrails grant is activated.
Grant ActivationDeletedactive_grants_deletedWhen a Guardrails grant is deleted.
GrantCreatedgrant_createdWhen a Guardrails grant is created. By default in the UI "Activate for immediate use" is checked. In that case, a grant_created notification is generated followed by active_grants_created.
GrantDeletedgrant_deletedWhen a Guardrails grant is deleted.
Policy SettingCreatedpolicy_setting_createdWhen a new Guardrails policy setting is created.
Policy SettingDeletedpolicy_setting_deletedWhen an existing Guardrails policy setting is deleted.
Policy SettingUpdatedpolicy_setting_updatedWhen an existing Guardrails policy setting is updated.
Policy ValueUpdatedpolicy_value_updatedWhen a Guardrails policy value is updated.
ResourceCreatedresource_createdWhen a new resource is created in Guardrails.
ResourceDeletedresource_deletedWhen a resource in Guardrails is deleted.
ResourceUpdatedresource_updatedWhen a resource in Guardrails is updated.