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Command: login

The turbot login command helps users to log into the Turbot Guardrails mod registry. It is necessary to run login before executing the publish or install commands. Typically, you will be prompted for the username and password before you attempt to log into the registry.

✔ Enter your username: … ***********
✔ Enter your password: … ***********
Logged in to turbot mod registry


Usage: turbot login [options]

The turbot login command logs you in to the desired Turbot Guardrails mod registry.

The supported options are:

  • --help : Shows help.
  • --registry : The registry to log in to. Defaults to
  • --username : Turbot Guardrails mod registry username. If a username is not specified, cached credentials (from turbot login) will be used. If no cached credentials exist, turbot login will be run interactively to log you in.
  • --password : Turbot Guardrails mod registry password. If a password is not specified, cached credentials (from turbot login) will be used. If no cached credentials exist, turbot login will be run interactively to log you in.