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All work done by Guardrails is organized into discrete processes - API handling, control execution, actions, etc. Each process has a unique identifier and can be monitored for progress, logs and outcome. Processes provide a single point to track progress and information about a sequence of backend decisions and processing in a single place.


Processes follow a clearly defined state machine for phases of execution:

StartingProcess is being started and input gathered for the Running phase. Any triggering event has been received and acknowledged to the sender.
RunningMods are doing process work. Input is passed from Guardrails and commands are sent back.
HandlingThe Guardrails engine is handling commands issued during the Running phase.
TerminatedThe process has finished, no further work will be done. Upon termination the process is immutable, with no extra log entries or changes allowed.

Ensuring consistent, reliable process execution is a complex problem with many error conditions. Some examples:

Error conditionDescriptionRemediation
ZombieA process that is still in "Running" state in Guardrails, but the associated function or state machine defined by the mod has actually completed without successfully informing Guardrails.Guardrails checks periodically for zombie processes based on the time spent in Running state. If considered as a zombie, Guardrails will update the error log and terminate the process.
Retryable error (e.g. throttling)A retryable error occurred during process handling.The process phase will be retried multiple times with backoff between attempts. If the error persists then an error is logged and the process is terminated.


Workers may log to the process to record data points, decisions and key actions.

Log entries are recorded in JSON with the following format:

"level": "info",
"message": "I am information.",
"timestamp": "2018-10-19T12:51:36",
"data": {
"ad": "hoc",
"json": true

Log levels follow the syslog standard:

SeverityIDUsed byDescription
EmergencyemergencyGuardrails EngineGuardrails is unavailable and automatic recovery is unlikely.
AlertalertGuardrails EngineAlert from a key component or dependency. Guardrails is unusable, but may automatically recover.
CriticalcriticalGuardrails EngineCritical conditions. Guardrails may be unavailable or have severely degraded performance.
ErrorerrorModsError significant to an action, but not critical to Guardrails. Review and remediation required.
WarningwarningModsWarning that an error may occur if action is not taken. Review recommended.
NoticenoticeModsSignificant, but normal, events such as automated actions.
InformationalinfoModsInformation about decisions and interim data.
DebugdebugModsDebug messages used in development only.