

Input type to create a SAML directory

allowGroupSyncingBooleanOptional tags for the SAML directory to create
allowIdpInitiatedSsoBooleanOptional flag to determine if this directory allows IDP-initiated SSO.
certificateString!The certificate of the SAML directory to create in multiline PEM format
descriptionStringOptional description of the SAML directory to create
entryPointString!The entryPoint of the SAML directory to create
groupFilterStringOptional attribute returning list of groups that a SAML user is a part of.
issuerStringOptional issuer of the SAML directory to create
nameIdFormatSamlNameIdFormatOptional nameIdFormat of the SAML directory to create
parentID!The parent of the SAML directory to create, either as an id, or an AKA
profileGroupsAttributeStringFlag to indicate whether groups will be synchronized for SAML users.
profileIdTemplateString!The profileIdTemplate of the SAML directory to create
requiredSignedAssertionResponseBooleanOptional flag to indicate whether the SAML assertion response from the IDP should be signed. Enabling this ensures data integrity and authenticity.
requiredSignedAuthenticationResponseBooleanOptional flag to indicate whether the SAML authentication response from the IDP should be signed. Enabling this ensures data integrity and authenticity.
signatureAlgorithmSamlSignedRequestAlgorithmOptional algorithm used to sign auth requests with SAML directory
signaturePrivateKeyStringOptional signaturePrivateKey used to sign auth requests with SAML directory, in multiline PEM format
signRequestsBooleanOptionally sign auth requests with this SAML directory
statusDirectoryStatus!The status of the SAML directory to create
strictAudienceValidationBooleanOptional flag to indicate whether the SAML Audience need to be validated.
tagsScalarOptional regular expression to filter out groups that are to be synced from SAML.
titleString!The title of the SAML directory to create