
Turbot Guardrails' fundamental goal is to solve configuration governance for the enterprise in a dynamic, ever-changing landscape. Its modular design allows it to be fully extensible. Guardrails provides integrations for common cloud platforms, such as AWS, Azure, GCP, and ServiceNow.

Amazon Web Services (AWS)Onboard your AWS accounts
Microsoft AzureOnboard your Azure subscriptions
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)Onboard your GCP projects
KubernetesOnboard your Kubernetes clusters
ServiceNowOnboard your ServiceNow instance

Check out Best Practices for importing AWS accounts, Azure subscriptions, and GCP Projects to ensure smooth onboarding!

Using a custom API Endpoint for Event Handling

Most organizations have strict requirements around the flow of information, both where it enters the internal network and where it leaves. Guardrails upports the use of a customer managed reverse proxy as well as AWS' API Gateway as a service. In either case, Guardrails requires just one policy setting in the application to facilitate proper event message handling.

These steps require Guardrails to be installed and the UI accessible via a browser. Turbot/Admin permissions are required at the Turbot level to set this policy.

  1. Log into the Guardrails console, then click on the top Policies tab.
  2. Click on the green New Policy Setting button.
  3. Click on the Policy Type field, search for the string gateway domain name. Select the result with the title Turbot > Workspace > Gateway Domain Name.
  4. Select the Resource as Turbot.
  5. In the Setting text field, input either the AWS API Gateway CNAME ( or the Guardrails API Gateway's invoke URL. If using a custom reverse proxy, this policy value will be the custom CNAME or API URL defined by the organization.
  6. Click Create. Continue to the AWS, Azure, or GCP integration pages to add accounts into Turbot and configure event handlers for real-time discovery and remediation.

Common Questions Regarding Eventing

Event Handlers or Event Pollers?

There are a number of trade-offs between between pollers and event handlers. In general, event pollers are easier to setup because they require no additional infrastructure, merely access to the cloud provider API endpoints. Event handlers have lower latency but require additional infrastructure to get working.

Turbot recommends event handlers unless latency concerns make an event poller more practical.

Event Pollers

  • Very easy to set up. Ensure Guardrails has the right credentials and it's ready. There is no additional infrastructure that needs to be deployed in the target cloud account.
  • Persistent API and compute costs. Running a poller happens every polling interval, regardless of whether events are waiting or not.
  • Latency in getting events. New events will only show up on the next poll.

Event Handlers:

  • If there are no events to process, the event handler infrastructure is quiet.
  • Depending on cloud provider, the latency can be very low.
  • There are no hits against cloud account API rate/quota limits.
  • The performance of event handlers varies greatly by cloud provider. Some providers can process events in less than a second. Others can take several minutes to emit an event.
  • Event handlers requires additional infrastructure to be deployed in the target cloud account.

How do Event Pollers work?

Guardrails pollers send event queries to the target cloud provider's event history service. The question the pollers ask is "Give me events in the last ${window_size}". The poller runs on a frequency of ${polling_interval}. The window size and polling interval are policies configured at initial setup, and are of the format {Cloud Provider} > Turbot > Window and {Cloud Provider} > Turbot > Interval, respectively.

What does the event path look like using Event Pollers?

The Event Poller runs outside the VPC so it won't have access to the ALB to submit the events. All communication with non-management Lambdas (ex. hive_manager, workspace_manager) are done over SQS/SNS. Event messages from the Event Pollers would have to go to the worker or API containers for processing (more likely it's the API container). After it hits the api/worker containers, CMDB/discovery/remediation events would go back on the queue to be handled by other Az mod lambdas.

Remember (from the Turbot perspective):

  • Pollers are clients. Guardrails reaches out to get info from the Azure/GCP/AWS event service.
  • Event Handlers are Servers. Guardrails waits for Azure/GCP/AWS to send it information.

Can I use a custom solution?

In brief, an event can be sent over any path between CloudTrail and the Guardrails ALB. This could be custom or consolidated Event Rules fed to an internal EventBridge bus then passed to Guardrails; or SNS to SQS to the Guardrails ALB; or some combination of those or none of those. The out-of-the-box Guardrails Event Handler solution is offered to simplify the setup process.

In some cases, customers have used the Guardrails AWS > Region > Stack control to push out the required event handling infrastructure. This allows consistency across all accounts and all regions. The policies GCP > Region > Stack and Azure > Subscription > Stack can be used in a similar fashion to deploy event handler resources to GCP and Azure, respectively.

While custom event handling is uncommon, Guardrails understands that some organizations have strict requirements that make it necessary. Turbot support is available to answer high level questions as needed.