Notification Filter Rules

Filter rules are the heart of the Notification system. They control what types of notifications are sent and where they go. There is one global configuration for all notification filter rules located in the Turbot > Notifications > Rule-Based Routing policy setting:

The policy contains an array of rule-sets. Each rule-set consists of 1 or more rules and 1 or more delivery targets. Current valid delivery targets include:

  • Emails
  • Slack webhook
  • Microsoft Teams webhook

The rules in each rule-set are defined by a multi-line string. Each line of the string is a separate statement.

  • Each statement contains an action (either NOTIFY or IGNORE) and one or more match conditions.

  • Rules are processed in order. Processing stops at the first match, which determines whether the notification is sent or ignored.

  • If no rule matches than the default rule IGNORE * matches and the notification is not sent.

  • Each rule contains one or more conditions, using the Turbot Guardrails filter syntax

  • Arrays

    • To compare items that contain arrays, use a splat. You may specify how to match the items:
      • .*. - All items in the array must match for the rule to match. An empty list also matches.
      • .+. - All items in the array must match for the rule to match. An empty list does NOT match
    • Use [] to specify an empty list:

Using narrow filter policies reduce noise and ensure that only relevant notifications are sent to the appropriate recipients. This can help to improve the overall efficiency of the notification system and reduce the amount of time users spend processing notifications that are not relevant to their responsibilities.


Send notification for every control moving from OK state to Alarm state:

- rules: NOTIFY $.oldControl.state:alarm $.control.state:ok

Send notification to MS Teams when Turbot modifies a security group or security group rule:

- rules: |
NOTIFY $.actionType.parent:'#/resource/types/securityGroup'
NOTIFY $.actionType.uri:'tmod:@turbot/aws-vpc-security#/control/types/securityGroupApproved'
msTeamsWebhookUrl": ""

Ignore any alarms associated with the resource named asst-regional-manager-bucket, send email notification for all other alarms in the aws account 111222333444:

- rules: |
"IGNORE $.resource.Name:asst-regional-manager-bucket"
"NOTIFY $.control.state:alarm $'111222333444'"

Monitor a single resource arn, sending all notifications to slack and teams:

- rules: |
"NOTIFY $.resource.turbot.akas[0]:'arn:aws:ec2:us-east-2:899206412154:instance/i-08b562451d0215732'"
msTeamsWebhookUrl": ""

Exposed Metadata for a Control Update

"resource": {
"Acl": {
"Owner": {
"ID": "b67a63ec336c2053f5cbe4dfbc84165c7dc2f8a67ef1d820a4eee5d8ef89d8a8"
"Grants": [
"Grantee": {
"ID": "b67a63ec336c2053f5cbe4dfbc84165c7dc2f8a67ef1d820a4eee5d8ef89d8a8",
"Type": "CanonicalUser"
"Permission": "FULL_CONTROL"
"Cors": {},
"Name": "asst-regional-manager-bucket",
"Tags": [
"Key": "foo",
"Value": "bar"
"Key": "rock",
"Value": "star"
"Payer": "BucketOwner",
"Policy": {},
"Logging": {},
"Website": {},
"Lifecycle": {},
"Encryption": {
"ServerSideEncryptionConfiguration": {
"Rules": [
"BucketKeyEnabled": false,
"ApplyServerSideEncryptionByDefault": {
"SSEAlgorithm": "AES256"
"Versioning": {
"Status": "Suspended",
"MFADelete": "Disabled"
"Replication": {},
"CreationDate": "2021-02-02T17:30:13.000Z",
"PolicyStatus": {},
"PublicAccessBlock": {
"BlockPublicAcls": true,
"IgnorePublicAcls": true,
"BlockPublicPolicy": true,
"RestrictPublicBuckets": true
"LocationConstraint": "us-east-1",
"AccelerateConfiguration": {
"Status": "Suspended"
"ObjectLockConfiguration": {},
"NotificationConfiguration": {},
"turbot": {
"id": "261303520089583",
"versionId": "290894341530947",
"processId": "290894338017602",
"actorIdentityId": "200228969448365",
"actorPersonaId": "261303481620902",
"actorRoleId": null,
"createTimestamp": "2022-07-07T16:06:58.829Z",
"updateTimestamp": "2023-06-07T03:08:25.401Z",
"deleteTimestamp": null,
"timestamp": "2022-07-07T16:06:58.829Z",
"title": "asst-regional-manager-bucket",
"tags": {
"foo": "bar",
"rock": "star"
"custom": {
"aws": {
"accountId": "111222333444",
"partition": "aws",
"regionName": "us-east-1"
"createTimestamp": "2021-02-02T17:30:13.000Z"
"parentId": "261303469054733",
"path": "200228952330241.206144700865790.261303442103935.261303469054733.261303520089583",
"resourceTypeId": "209189633173890",
"resourceGroupIds": [],
"akas": [
"terraform": {},
"state": "provisioned",
"alternatePersona": "dmi_import_role/b61cb8bd-9f23-4311-a1e9-3943043e0dfa",
"searchData": {},
"resourceTypePath": "204308048523501.209189633101177.209189633173890",
"resourceCategoryId": "200228961477257",
"resourceCategoryPath": "200228961460861.200228961477257"
"control": {
"state": "alarm",
"reason": "Not approved: Usage",
"turbot": {
"id": "261303520603122",
"versionId": "290895339883245",
"processId": "290895338766060",
"actorIdentityId": "200228969448365",
"actorPersonaId": null,
"actorRoleId": null,
"createTimestamp": "2022-07-07T16:06:58.829Z",
"updateTimestamp": "2023-06-07T03:24:40.354Z",
"deleteTimestamp": null,
"timestamp": "2022-07-07T16:06:58.829Z",
"title": null,
"tags": {},
"custom": {},
"resourceId": "261303520089583",
"controlTypeId": "209189634955290",
"nextTickTimestamp": "2023-06-08T02:09:47.329Z",
"tickCount": 0,
"stateChangeTimestamp": "2023-06-07T03:24:40.347Z",
"state": "alarm",
"alternatePersona": null,
"resourcePath": "200228952330241.206144700865790.261303442103935.261303469054733.261303520089583",
"controlTypePath": "204308048523501.209189633101177.209189633173890.209189634955290",
"resourceTypeId": "209189633173890",
"resourceTypePath": "204308048523501.209189633101177.209189633173890",
"controlCategoryId": "200228961165719",
"controlCategoryPath": "200228961092955.200228961165719",
"resourceCategoryId": "200228961477257",
"resourceCategoryPath": "200228961460861.200228961477257"
"oldControl": {
"state": "ok",
"reason": "Approved",
"turbot": {
"id": "261303520603122",
"versionId": "290841486264313",
"processId": "290841485770743",
"actorIdentityId": "200228969448365",
"actorPersonaId": null,
"actorRoleId": null,
"createTimestamp": "2022-07-07T16:06:58.829Z",
"updateTimestamp": "2023-06-06T12:48:08.929Z",
"deleteTimestamp": null,
"timestamp": "2022-07-07T16:06:58.829Z",
"title": null,
"tags": {},
"custom": {},
"resourceId": "261303520089583",
"controlTypeId": "209189634955290",
"nextTickTimestamp": null,
"tickCount": 0,
"stateChangeTimestamp": "2023-06-06T12:48:08.928Z",
"state": "ok",
"resourcePath": "200228952330241.206144700865790.261303442103935.261303469054733.261303520089583",
"controlTypePath": "204308048523501.209189633101177.209189633173890.209189634955290",
"resourceTypeId": "209189633173890",
"resourceTypePath": "204308048523501.209189633101177.209189633173890",
"controlCategoryId": "200228961165719",
"controlCategoryPath": "200228961092955.200228961165719",
"resourceCategoryId": "200228961477257",
"resourceCategoryPath": "200228961460861.200228961477257"
"controlType": {
"uri": "tmod:@turbot/aws-s3#/control/types/bucketApproved",
"icon": "fal-check-double",
"title": "Approved",
"modUri": "tmod:@turbot/aws-s3",
"parent": "#/resource/types/bucket",
"parentUri": "tmod:@turbot/aws-s3#/resource/types/bucket",
"categoryUri": "tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/resourceApproved"

Exposed Metadata for a Action Update

"actionType": {
"uri": "tmod:@turbot/aws-s3#/action/types/bucketSetVersioning",
"icon": "fal-copy",
"title": "Set Versioning",
"modUri": "tmod:@turbot/aws-s3",
"parent": "#/resource/types/bucket",
"parentUri": "tmod:@turbot/aws-s3#/resource/types/bucket",
"categoryUri": "tmod:@turbot/turbot#/control/categories/other"