Usage Thresholds

Pipes Usage Thresholds enable you to set usage limits and control what happens when those limits are reached.

To view and set usage thresholds, go to the Settings page for your organization or developer account and click Usage from the left hand menu. At the top of the page, click Thresholds to switch the the Thresholds tab.

For each usage dimension (Storage, Compute, Users), you can set the threshold value as well as the behavior:

  • Warn: Send notifications when the threshold limit is reached.
  • Cap and warn - Cap usage and send notifications when the threshold limit is reached.

Notifications are sent to the Organization owners via email. You will receive a warning when you reach 75%, 100%, 125%, 200%, 300%, 500%, and 1000% of the specified value.

The Cap and warn behavior varies by dimension:

  • When Cap and warn is set and the compute limit is reached, all workspaces will sleep and pipelines will be be suspended.
  • When Cap and warn is set and the storage limit is reached, snapshots will no longer be written, and you will not be able to spin up any new workspaces.
  • When Cap and warn is set and the user limit is reached, you will not be able to invite any more users to the Organization.