Connect to Turbot Pipes from JavaScript

The Turbot Pipes workspace is a Postgres database, with the use of the pg client you can connect and query your workspace database with JavaScript.

You can get the information needed to connect to your Turbot Pipes database instance from the Query tab for your workspace. On the Query tab, click the info button at the top of the query window to show the connection information.

You'll need the Postgres client for JavaScript, which you can install using npm i pg or yarn add pg. Then you specify the connection string, create a connection, run a query, and fetch results. In this example, we query the state and the region of aws_vpc.

const postgres = require("pg");
const conn = {
ssl: {},
const pgClient = new postgres.Client(conn);
pgClient.query("select vpc_id, region, state from aws_vpc", (err, res) => {
if (err) console.error(err);
"vpc_id": "vpc-0142da3508c247062e",
"region": "us-east-1",
"state": "available"
"vpc_id": "vpc-12199f7a",
"region": "ca-central-1",
"state": "available"

Connect to Steampipe CLI from JavaScript

To connect JavaScript to Steampipe CLI, run steampipe service start --show-password and use the displayed connection details.

Steampipe service is running:
Host(s): localhost,,
Port: 9193
Database: steampipe
User: steampipe
Password: 99**_****_**8c
Connection string: postgres://steampipe:99**_****_**8c@localhost:9193/steampipe

Call the Turbot Pipes API from JavaScript

You can also use the Turbot Pipes query API with the JavaScript request client. Grab your token, put it an environment variable like PIPES_TOKEN, and use this pattern.

const request = require("request");
let hostname =
const data = { sql: "Select is_default, region, state from aws_vpc limit 2" };
const headers = {
Authorization: `Bearer ${process.env.PIPES_TOKEN}`,
url: hostname,
headers: headers,
json: true,
body: data,
function (error, response, body) {
"items": [
"is_default": true,
"region": "ca-central-1",
"state": "available"
"is_default": true,
"region": "us-east-1",
"state": "available"