
Users of your tenant can create their own connections and workspaces in their developer account, but they are not shared with other users. Organizations, on the other hand, enable you to collaborate and share workspaces and connections with other members of your tenant.

The storage and compute resources used by organizations in your tenant are included in the billable usage for your tenant.

Creating an Organization

You can create an organization from the Organizations tab for your tenant. Navigate to your tenant, then click the double arrow button from the navigation at the top of the page, select Tenant Settings from the dropdown, and then go to the Organizations tab.

To create an organization, click the New Organization button. Select a unique handle for your organization. This handle must be a unique name across all developer accounts and organizations. Optionally, expand the Profile and set a Logo URL (publicly accessible URL for the organization's logo) and URL (publicly accessible URL for the organization). Click Create Organization.

Deleting an Organization

You can delete an organization from the Advanced settings for the organization. To delete an organization, select the double arrow button from the navigation at the top of the page and select the organization. Go to the Advanced tab and click Org Profile. Click Delete Organization. You will be prompted to confirm deletion. Enter the organization handle and click Delete.