
There are 3 types of schemas in Turbot Pipes.

A Connection represents a set of tables for a single data source. In order to query data, you'll need at least one connection, as the other connection types depend on connections to provide credentials and other configuration information. Connections may defined at the workspace level, or they may be created on a tenant or organization and then attached to workspaces - they can be shared by multiple workspaces within the account or organization.

An Aggregator allows you to query data from multiple connections as if they are a single connection. For example, using aggregators, you can query multiple AWS accounts from a single table. Unlike connections, aggregators cannot be defined at the tenant or organization level or shared across workspaces - they can only be created at the workspace level.

A Datatank provides a mechanism to proactively query connections on a schedule and store the results. You can then query the stored results instead of the 'live' schemas, resulting in reduced query latency (at the expense of data currency). Datatank is a paid Turbot Pipes feature and is not available in the free Developer plan. Like aggregators, datatanks cannot be defined at the tenant or organization level or shared across workspaces - they can only be created at the workspace level.