Developer Account Settings

You can manage your user profile and credentials from the Settings page for your developer account. Click your avatar in the top right and select Settings from the menu, or click the double arrow button from the navigation at the top of the page, select your developer account from the dropdown, and then select Settings from the menu on the left.


On the Settings page for your developer account, click Profile from the left hand menu to manage your profile data. You can modify your Display Name or Avatar URL.

You can also rotate your Database Password. Every Steampipe user has a single password they can use to log in to the workspaces to which they have access. (This is the password that appears in the connection string.) You can rotate your password at any time by clicking Rotate Password on the profile page. This may take a couple of minutes to propagate to all of your workspaces. Note that existing connections will not be terminated when you rotate your password.


On the Settings page for your user, click Notifications from the left hand menu to manage your Turbot Pipes notification preferences. Choose what type of emails you wish to receive from Turbot Pipes:

Community UpdatesGet notified of community information and events you may be interested in.
Product UpdatesGet notified of product updates as they are released.
Tips & TricksGet useful tips & tricks on using Turbot Pipes.
SystemImportant system notifications related to your Turbot Pipes account. System notifications cannot be disabled.


On the Settings page for your user, click Tokens from the left hand menu to manage your Turbot Pipes tokens. You can use these tokens to access the Turbot Pipes API, or to connect to Turbot Pipes workspaces from the Steampipe CLI. You can have up to 2 tokens at a time.

Click New Token to create a new API token. The token will be masked, but you can reveal it by clicking the eye icon, or hover over it and click the clipboard icon to copy it. Make a secure note of the token as you will not be able to retrieve it again.

You can deactivate or delete a token from the list by clicking the options menu button ('three dots' button) and selecting Deactivate or Delete from the menu.

Audit Log

On the Settings page for your developer account, click Audit Log from the left hand menu to view the audit log of API activity associated to your account.


Updating Your User Handle

You can update your user handle at any time. Note, however, that your workspace DNS names all contain your user handle; changing it will result in changing the DNS name for ALL of your workspaces.

On the Settings page for your developer account, click Advanced from the left hand menu. Enter your new handle and click Save.

Reset Authentication

You will be able to authenticate against your account using either temporary tokens issued via console or CLI login, or with tokens managed via your profile settings.

If you wish to reset authentication to your user for all issued tokens, you can do so by going to the Settings page for your user, then clicking Advanced from the left hand menu. From here you'll find a Reset authentication section. Clicking the Reset authentication button will reset authentication for all existing temporary and user tokens.

This will also log you out of the current session and any other you have open at that stage. You will also need to re-generate any tokens you use for API access.

Permanently Deleting Your Turbot Pipes Account

If you wish, you can permanently remove your developer account and all of its contents from the Steampipe platform. (We hate to see you go!) This action is not reversible, so please continue with caution.

On the Settings page for your user, click Advanced from the left hand menu, and then click Delete developer account. You will be prompted to confirm deletion; enter your user handle and click Delete.