
Subscribe to all changelog posts via RSS or follow #changelog on our Slack community to stay updated on everything we ship.

Import a tree of folders and projects as Pipes connections, control permissions for workspaces, and auto-create aggregators.

For more information, see the launch post or check out the docs.

You can now create connections at the custom tenant, organization or workspace level in Pipes, along with grouping of these within folders to allow easier sharing of related connections.

This is coupled with a fine-grained permissions model, allowing you to share connections & folders broadly across a custom tenant, or restrict access to specific organizations and/or their workspaces.

For more information, check out the docs:

Import a tree of management groups and subscriptions as Pipes connections, control permissions for workspaces, and auto-create aggregators.

For more information, see the launch post or check out the docs.

Import a tree of OUs and accounts as Pipes connections, control permissions for workspaces, and auto-create aggregators.

For more information, see the launch post or check out the docs.

All Pipes workspaces are now running Steampipe v0.23.2.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

All Pipes workspaces are now running Powerpipe v0.4.0.

For more information on this Powerpipe release, see the release notes.

Integrate your developer, team or custom tenant with GitHub, enabling you to install custom Powerpipe mods from public or private repositories. Push changes for instant deploys and live updates.

For more information, see the launch post or check out the docs.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Powerpipe v0.2.0 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 29th April 2024.

For more information on this Powerpipe release, see the release notes.

v0.13.2 of the Terraform Provider for Pipes is now available.

Bug fixes

  • pipes_workspace_datatank_table: Set PartPer setting for datatank table to be nil if nothing is passed in configuration while updating a datatank table. (#23)


  • resources/pipes_workspace: Add support for passing desired_state, db_volume_size_bytes attribute when creating or updating a workspace. Add missing attribute state_reason.
  • resources/pipes_workspace_pipeline: Add support for passing desired_state attribute when creating or updating a pipeline. Add attributes state and state_reason.
  • resources/pipes_workspace_datatank: Add support for passing desired_state attribute when creating a datatank.
  • resources/pipes_workspace_datatank_table: Add support for passing desired_state attribute when creating a datatank_table.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Powerpipe v0.4.1 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 29th July 2024.

For more information on this Powerpipe release, see the release notes.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Steampipe v0.22.1 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 18th March 2024.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Powerpipe v0.1.2 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 18th March 2024.

For more information on this Powerpipe release, see the release notes.

v0.13.1 of the Terraform Provider for Pipes is now available.

Bug fixes

  • Ensure tags are passed during creation of resource pipes_workspace_pipeline and are only updated when a valid value is present in the Terraform configuration.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Steampipe v0.22.0 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 11th March 2024.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release post or release notes.

Dashboards in Turbot Pipes are now powered by Powerpipe, allowing you to filter, group and share custom views of your cloud benchmarks.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Powerpipe v0.1.0 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 11th March 2024.

For more information on the launch of Powerpipe, see the launch post or release notes.

The timeout for scheduled snapshot pipelines has been extended from 10 minutes to 1 hour, giving complex benchmarks and dashboards longer to successfully complete.

v0.13.0 of the Terraform Provider for Pipes is now available.

What's new?

  • Data Source pipes_tenant.
  • Resource pipes_tenant_member.


  • Resource pipes_organization_member now supports adding users directly to an organization in a custom tenant, rather than by invitation.

v0.12.1 of the Terraform Provider for Pipes is now available.

Bug fixes

  • Omitting the PartPer setting for a pipes_workspace_datatank_table resource would have previously resulted in an error, meaning you had to pass connection as the value. This field is now optional, allowing single part tables to be defined.

Turbot Pipes Enterprise plan is now available.

The Enterprise tier expands on the Team tier’s features with enhanced collaboration, enterprise-grade security, and improved scalability, making it ideal for larger organizations:

  • Organization-wide cloud intelligence & security: Enables tailored data management across business units and teams for sharing insights.
  • SAML Authentication: Provides secure and seamless SSO user experience using your identity provider.
  • Multi-Organization RBAC: Allows granular access permissions across organizations and workspaces to protect sensitive data.
  • Trusted Login Domains: Significantly reduces unauthorized access by restricting logins to trusted domains.
  • Consolidated Usage and Billing: Simplifies resource and financial tracking with tenant-level visibility plus per organization/workspace details.

Get started in a 14-day free trial then switch to flexible, usage based pricing.

For more information, see the launch post.

Turbot Pipes now officially supports billing for your organization Enterprise plan via the AWS Marketplace.

For more information, see the Pipes billing docs.

Turbot Pipes now officially supports billing for your organization team plan via AWS Marketplace.

For more information, see the Pipes billing docs.

v0.12.0 of the Terraform Provider for Pipes is now available.

What's new?

  • Resource pipes_workspace_datatank.
  • Resource pipes_workspace_datatank_table.


  • Resource pipes_workspace now supports instance_type.

The query API timeout has been increased from 1 minute to 2 minutes, allowing for greater flexibility in how you query your data.

All Pipes workspaces have now been upgraded to Steampipe v0.21.1.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

Turbot Pipes plans & pricing are now available.

Free for Developers! Free trial & usage-based for Teams. Start immediately & cancel anytime.

For more information, see the launch post.

Datatank is now available in Turbot Pipes workspaces. Blow past API speed limits with scheduled data sync.

For more information, see the launch post.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Steampipe v0.21.1 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 9th October 2023.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the launch post or release notes.

The Pipes dashboard now shows a feed of the most recent changelog entries, allowing you to see what's new at a glance.

All Pipes workspaces have now been upgraded to Steampipe v0.20.12.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Steampipe v0.20.12 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 25th September 2023.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

All Pipes workspaces have now been upgraded to Steampipe v0.20.11.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Steampipe v0.20.11 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 18th September 2023.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

All Pipes workspaces have now been upgraded to Steampipe v0.20.10.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.

All new Pipes workspaces will be running Steampipe v0.20.10 and existing workspaces will be upgraded by Monday 21st August 2023.

For more information on this Steampipe release, see the release notes.