Pipes Assemble! Steampipe, Powerpipe, and Flowpipe together in Pipes.
All the components of Turbot's open source suite are now fully integrated into Pipes.
Pipes, Assemble!
Just like a certain heroic team coming together to defend the world, Steampipe, Powerpipe, and Flowpipe are now united under the banner of Pipes. With Flowpipe officially becoming a first-class citizen in the Pipes platform, your cloud tools have never been more powerful. Ready to join forces in your Pipes workspace, Flowpipe now works seamlessly alongside Steampipe and Powerpipe. Assemble your dream team of tools and get started with a single click - whether it’s your first Steampipe query, Powerpipe dashboard, or Flowpipe pipeline.
The Superpowers of Pipes
In the battle for cloud intelligence and security, Pipes delivers more than just tools - it gives you superpowers. Each component in Pipes has its own strengths, but they’re even more powerful together. While platforms like Splunk fight the good fight as monolithic titans, Pipes takes a different approach: empowering you to work with standalone tools or as a fully integrated, cloud-based system. Pipes is available in the cloud or right in your terminal - giving developers the flexibility to fight their cloud challenges on their terms. Assemble your team, build your solutions, and level up from individual developer efforts to full-blown organizational strength.
Seamless Collaboration Between Heroes
The key to any superhero team is seamless collaboration, and Pipes is no exception. When you use Steampipe, Powerpipe, or Flowpipe, it’s like watching your favorite heroes in action. Take, for example, a shared AWS connection in Pipes. Once it’s set up, every tool in the Pipes suite can use it effortlessly. Steampipe can harness that connection for its queries, Powerpipe for its benchmarks and dashboards, and Flowpipe for enforcing security compliance. It’s all about using the right hero for the right job - no more setting up connections multiple times!
Custom Mods: Your Secret Weapon
Every hero has a secret weapon, and in Pipes, custom mods are yours. For Launch Week 5, we introduced a GitHub integration that deploys Powerpipe mods from a branch or tag in a private repo. Now, with Flowpipe integrated, it works the same way for your custom Flowpipe mods. Pipes automatically refreshes mods when changes are detected, ensuring your tools are always powered up and ready for action.
One Unified Team, One Mission
Pipes isn’t just about powerful tools - it’s about teamwork. Every piece of Pipes speaks the same language: open source, as-code, and developer-friendly. Whether you’re writing SQL queries, building dashboards, or designing pipelines in HCL, it’s all part of the same mission. Together, Steampipe, Powerpipe, and Flowpipe give you everything you need to tackle cloud governance, security, and more.
What’s Next for the Team?
The Pipes team is just getting started. With Flowpipe now part of the action, the Pipes universe has room to grow, and we’re excited to see what’s next. More components? New powers? Who knows! But one thing’s for sure — Pipes is here to help you assemble the ultimate team for cloud security and intelligence. Ready to suit up? Take Pipes for a spin and let us know how it goes!