Guardrails Workspace Manager
A Workspace is an independent tenant of Guardrails, with its own version and its own schema (logical shard) in a hive. Each Workspace has its own Turbot root, its own set of mods, and its own web console endpoint.
Your workspaces will use the Collective, Hive, and Versions that you deployed previously, using the TEF, TED, and TE products in the Service Catalog.
Workspaces are deployed and managed using Guardrails Workspace Manager, which is implemented as a CloudFormation custom resource.
Turbot recommends enabling Termination Protection on the Workspace Manager CloudFormation stack. This can be done at creation by expanding the Stack creation options and enabling Termination Protection.
This can also be configured post CloudFormation stack deployment. Select the stack while viewing the CloudFormation service in the AWS console, click Stack actions in the top right, then click Edit termination protection. Set this to enabled and click Save!
Create a Workspace
In the AWS Console, navigate to the CloudFormation service in the alpha region.
Create a new stack, using the Sample Workspace Manager CloudFormation Template
Enter the appropriate parameters:
Name: The name of workspace, which will be used as the first part of the console URL. For instance, if you specify “dev” as the workspace name, and you set up the TEF stack using
as the domain name, the console URL will
Version: The version of Turbot Guardrails Enterprise to install in the workspace. This must match an installed (via TE) version exactly, For example:
Hive: The Hive name where the database is hosted. This should be the Hive name that you specified when setting up TED
UseRoute53: If set to
, the stack will automatically update the DNS alias for the console URL to point to the newly installed version. If you do not use Route53 to manage the DNS, choose “False”. You will need to create (or modify) a CNAME record for your workspace to point to the load balancer for the new version (available asLoadBalancerDNS
in the stack output variables).FoundationStackOutputPrefix: This must match the resource prefix that you specified in the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation stack so that this stack can use exported outputs from the TEF stack.
Currently, the Workspace Manager generates the initial Turbot Admin account and password, as well as a key pair. You should login and change the password and keys as soon as the stack is complete. a. The Console URL for the workspace is available in the
output variable. Go to the stack outputs and click the link to go to the web console. b. The admin username and password are displayed in theWorkspaceManagerOutput
variable in the stack outputs. Login using the admin username and password. c. Once logged in, change the admin password and delete the generated keys. You can do this from the profile settings page. i. In the top right of the Turbot Console, you will see currently logged in user, “Turbot Admin”. Hover over this link, and then click “Profile” from the popup menu to take you to the profile page. ii. In the list of access keys, click the [X] button to delete the access key generated during the install. If desired, you can generate new access keys by clicking the New access key button iii. On the left side of the page, click the Reset Password button to change the admin password
- The username, password, and keys will appear in plain text in the CloudFormation stack output variables
- If you re-run the stack, the stack output variable will be overwritten
Sample Workspace Manager CloudFormation Template
While the sample template provides a simple, out-of-the box mechanism for deploying a single workspace, it is merely a starting point. You may wish to deploy ALL your workspaces from a single template, so that you can manage versions for all workspaces from a single stack, for instance.
This template can also be found on the Guardrails Samples Repo - Workspace Manager CloudFormation Template
AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Workspace Manager, manage workspace creation & upgrades
Metadata: AWS::CloudFormation::Interface: ParameterGroups: - Label: default: "Workspace Data" Parameters: - Name - Version - VersionSafe - Hive - UseRoute53 - FoundationStackOutputPrefix - AlternateURL - InstallationDomainSsmValue
Parameters: Name: Type: String Description: Name of workspace
AlternateURL: Type: String Description: Alternate URL for Workspace (Leave empty if not needed)
Version: Type: String Description: Version Default: "5.0.0"
Hive: Type: String Description: Hive Name
UseRoute53: Description: Use Route 53 DNS Management Default: true Type: String AllowedValues: [true, false]
# This can be removed for simplicity FoundationStackOutputPrefix: Description: > Name of the resource prefix used by the Turbot Foundation stack, which is a prefix for exported outputs from that stack. Type: String Default: turbot
InstallationDomainSsmValue: Description: > Name of the SSM Param that holds the installation domain name, which is exported from the TEF foundation stack. Type: "AWS::SSM::Parameter::Value<String>" Default: "/${FoundationStackOutputPrefix}/enterprise/installation_domain"
Conditions: UseRoute53DnsManagement: !Equals [true, !Ref UseRoute53] CreateAlternateUrl: !Not [!Equals ["", !Ref AlternateURL]]
Resources: Workspace: Type: Custom::CustomResource Properties: ServiceToken: Fn::Sub: "arn:aws:lambda:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:function:${FoundationStackOutputPrefix}_workspace_manager" WorkspaceId: !Ref Name Version: !Ref Version Hive: !Ref Hive # This section is not normally required Options: FoundationStackOutputPrefix: !Sub "${FoundationStackOutputPrefix}"
# # Example how to use Route 53 to manage workspace DNS # # This is tricky, nesting Fn::Import within Fn::Sub, this article helps: # # # WorkspaceDnsAlias: Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet Condition: UseRoute53DnsManagement Properties: HostedZoneName: Fn::Sub: - "${hostedZone}." - hostedZone: !Ref InstallationDomainSsmValue Name: Fn::Sub: - "${workspace}.${hostedZone}." - workspace: !Ref Name hostedZone: !Ref InstallationDomainSsmValue Type: CNAME TTL: 30 ResourceRecords: - Fn::Sub: - "${FoundationStackOutputPrefix}-${version}.${hostedZone}." - version: !Join ["-", !Split [".", !Ref Version]] hostedZone: !Ref InstallationDomainSsmValue
# # If the Param AlternateURL is set then create an SSM Parameter to match the url with the workspace. # WorkspaceParam: Type: AWS::SSM::Parameter Condition: CreateAlternateUrl Properties: Description: SSM Parameter the matching a workspace to a url Name: !Sub "/${FoundationStackOutputPrefix}/tenant/${AlternateURL}" Type: String Value: Fn::Sub: - '{"hive":"${Hive}","id":"${Name}.${hostedZone}","name":"${Name}","version":"${Version}","schema":"${Name}","log_level":"debug","trace":"true"}' - hostedZone: !Ref InstallationDomainSsmValue
# # Minute tick per workspace. # # NOTE: this needs to be replaced with a new design, the current per-workspace minute tick # is not sustainable (limit on the number of rules) and not efficient, each minute we tick # all the workspaces. # WorkspaceMinuteTick: Type: AWS::Events::Rule Properties: Name: Fn::Sub: - "${WorkspaceId}_minute_tick" - WorkspaceId: !Ref Name Description: Fn::Sub: - "Minute tick scheduler for workspace ${WorkspaceId}" - WorkspaceId: !Ref Name ScheduleExpression: "cron(1/1 * * * ? *)" State: ENABLED Targets: - Arn: Fn::Sub: - "arn:aws:sqs:${AWS::Region}:${AWS::AccountId}:${FoundationStackOutputPrefix}_${VersionSafe}_events" - VersionSafe: !Join [ "_", !Split [".", !Join ["_", !Split ["-", !Ref Version]]], ] Id: Fn::Sub: - "${WorkspaceId}_minute_tick" - WorkspaceId: !Ref Name InputTransformer: InputPathsMap: account: "$.account" "detail-type": "$.detail-type" detail: "$.detail" id: "$.id" region: "$.region" resources: "$.resources" source: "$.source" time: "$.time" version: "$.version" InputTemplate: Fn::Sub: - > { "time":<time>, "type": "", "detail-type": <detail-type>, "source": <source>, "account": <account>, "region": <region>, "detail": <detail>, "version": <version>, "resources": <resources>, "id": <id>, "meta": { "tenantId": "${WorkspaceId}.${InstallationDomain}" } } - WorkspaceId: !Ref Name InstallationDomain: !Ref InstallationDomainSsmValue
Outputs: WorkspaceUrl: Value: Fn::Sub: - "https://${WorkspaceId}.${InstallationDomain}" - WorkspaceId: !Ref Name InstallationDomain: !Ref InstallationDomainSsmValue WorkspaceManagerOutput: Value: Fn::GetAtt: - Workspace - Output