
Action: A runnable process in Turbot Guardrails that can be executed by a Control or another Action.

AKA (Also Known As): A unique identifier for an object in Turbot Guardrails that allows it to be directly indexed. AKA formats vary by provider and service. AWS resources have an ARN that is used as an AKA. Turbot Guardrails Resource Ids are also AKAs.

CMDB (Configuration Management Database): The data store that contains all the resource, control, policy, and notification data in Turbot Guardrails.

Cloud Account: A generic umbrella term referring to an AWS Account, Azure Subscription or GCP Project.

Control: An instance of a Control Type responsible for enforcing one or more policies. Given the input of policy settings and resource state, a control will determine what action to take then execute.

Control Category: An cloud platform-agnostic categorization of Control Types, often used for reporting or filtering. For example, the Resource > Tags Control Category covers AWS > S3 > Bucket > Tags, Azure > Storage > Storage Account > Tags, and GCP > Storage > Bucket > Labels.

Control Type: A Control Type defines a specific control that may be configured for resources. For example, AWS > S3 > Bucket > Approved.

Collective: The networking and compute components that will be shared by all workspaces in a Turbot Guardrails Enterprise installation. Collectives are deployed and managed via the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation (TEF) product in the AWS Service Catalog.

Event Handler: The collection of infrastructure deployed into a cloud account to gather events as they occur and forward them to Turbot Guardrails for processing.

Event Router: A Guardrails Action that receives events from a cloud provider (usually via an Event Handler stack) then makes the appropriate action such as creating or updating a cloud resource record.

GraphQL: GraphQL is the native query language for the Turbot Guardrails API. It offers considerable flexibility and power above what a REST API could offer.

Hive: Often referred to as the Turbot Guardrails Database. The physical data storage and caching resources used in Turbot Guardrails Enterprise. Hives are deployed and managed via the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Database (TED) product in the AWS Service Catalog.

Policy Setting: A Policy Setting is an assertion about desired state or behavior. They dictate the behavior of Guardrails controls. Policy Settings are instances of specific Policy Types.

Policy Type: A Policy Type defines values that can be used to dictate the behavior of a control. Each Policy Type is specific to a Resource Type and Control Type. For example, the AWS > S3 > Bucket > Approved policy type is specific to AWS > S3 > Bucket resources and the AWS > S3 > Bucket > Approved control.

Policy Value: A Policy Value is the effective policy setting for a given resource. The value of a Policy Value is dictated by a Policy Setting somewhere in the resource hierarchy above the resource.

Resource: Resources represent cloud platform objects that are tracked by the Guardrails CMDB. A Resource is a specific instance of a Resource Type. The AWS bucket my-aws-bucket is an example of an AWS > S3 > Bucket Resource Type.

Resource Category: An vendor-agnostic categorization of Resource Types. For example, the AWS > S3 > Bucket, Azure > Storage > Storage Account, and GCP > Storage > Bucket resource types all have a resource category of Storage > Object.

Resource Type: A resource type defines the attributes the CMDB will track for a given cloud resource. Individual resources are instances of Resource Types.

Stack: A Turbot Guardrails Stack is a set of resources managed by Guardrails and defined using Terraform HCL.

Turbot Guardrails Enterprise (TE): The application layer of a Turbot Guardrails Enterprise deployment. Relies on the Turbot Guardrails Database and Foundation products.

Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Database (TED): The database layer of a Turbot Guardrails Enterprise deployment. Creates and manages the Turbot Guardrails database infrastructure (hive).

Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation (TEF): The network and shared compute layer of a Turbot Guardrails Enterprise deployment. Creates and manages the networking and compute components that will be shared by all workspaces in a Turbot Guardrails Enterprise installation (Collective).

Workspace: A Guardrails workspace provides a graphical frontend, permissions boundaries, an API endpoint and a Guardrails resource hierarchy. When a user interacts with Turbot Guardrails, they are interacting with a workspace.