
The Reports tab makes it easy to get curated information and can be exported to a CSV!

Click the Reports tab at the top of the screen, designated by a graph icon. This will take you to the Reports splash page.

By default, there is a View filter already applied, showing the Available reports. An Available report is one which has the underlying mod installed. For example, if the aws-ec2 mod is not installed in the workspace, reports such as Large AWS EC2 Instance will not appear.

Filters enable users to curate the data to meet their specific requirements. Any of these filters can be used in the search bar at the top. Multiple filters can be used at the same time, separated by a space.


In this example, we are searching for Resources by Resource Type, with the pre-canned filter selecting the Turbot > Acme > Marketing resource. Two filters are used in the text field - $ and !s3. The first shows all resources that do NOT have a tag named foo, and the second excludes s3 from the search.

Types of Reports

The splash page has a list of different pre-canned reports. These are grouped by broad categories such as Resources, Controls, and Policies as well as more specific control objectives like Encryption.

Resources and Policies

The Resources and Policies reports are available with a few different pre-canned filters. If you have questions on what the related category is, Our Concepts overview has more details on what categories such as a Resource Types are.

Selecting any report under these two sections will display an Summary along with a list of resources or settings. Clicking any row will take you directly to the resource or policy detail page.


Control reports are similar to Resource and Policy reports, with the added visibility of control states. Selecting a specific control will bring you to the detail page. Selecting a state or category under the summary (or state card if that is an option) will drill the report into that specific selection. Note that when selecting a control state, the new filter will only show controls with that state.

As an example, one could select Control by Resource Type to get a report spanning the entire environment, and from there drill into a specific resource type, such as a Lambda function (AWS > Lambda > Function).


If the aws-cis, azure-cis, and/ or the gcp-cis mods are installed, a CIS section will be present. This report gives a workspace wide overview of all CIS controls.

Clicking on the 8 alerts notification with respect to IAM under the CIS section status will open a focused report with those specific alerts.


Activity reports give users visibility into all policy and control state changes as well as resource changes. This can be extremely useful for when resources have been deleted from the cloud account and a history of said resource is required. Check out this quick FAQ on how to check control states for resources that have been deleted.

Resource Activities is a full list of resource create, delete, and change events. This list has Actor, Timestamp, and Sort pre-canned filters.

The last two reports, Resources Deleted by Turbot and Resources Updated by Turbot, are helpful for determining if a resource was deleted or changed by Guardrails automation and why. Clicking any of the rows in the report will bring you directly to the process information page, which includes logs and a history of notifications.

Export to CSV and Sharing Reports

Reports can be exported directly to CSV format for ease of distribution. Note that reports with larger than 5,000 items will be truncated! If a larger report is needed, try breaking up the large report into two smaller ones. For example, you can filter by Resource to include half of the environment, i.e. a folder containing accounts.

If you are sharing to users who have access in Guardrails, simply create the curated report and send the URL!