Policy types for @turbot/servicenow-gcp-network

GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Address based on the policies GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Address information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Address is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: address{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"address: {{ $.resource.data.address | dump | safe }}\naddress_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\naddress_type: {{ $.resource.data.addressType | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nip_version: {{ $.resource.data.ipVersion | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nnetwork_tier: {{ $.resource.data.networkTier | dump | safe }}\nprefix_length: {{ $.resource.data.prefixLength | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\npurpose: {{ $.resource.data.purpose | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.regionName | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nstatus: {{ $.resource.data.status | dump | safe }}\nsubnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.subnetwork | dump | safe }}\nusers: {{ $.resource.data.users | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Address data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/addressServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Address resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Address > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Address data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_address",
"label": "GCP > Network > Address",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "address",
"label": "Address"
"name": "address_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "address_type",
"label": "Address Type"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ip_version",
"label": "IP Version"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "network_tier",
"label": "Network Tier"
"name": "prefix_length",
"label": "Prefix Length"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "purpose",
"label": "Purpose"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "status",
"label": "Status"
"name": "subnetwork",
"label": "Subnetwork"
"name": "users",
"label": "Users",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Backend Bucket based on the policies GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Backend Bucket information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Backend Bucket is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: backendBucket{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"backend_bucket_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nbucket_name: {{ $.resource.data.bucketName | dump | safe }}\ncdn_policy: {{ $.resource.data.cdnPolicy | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nenable_cdn: {{ $.resource.data.enableCdn | dump | safe }}\nhas_data: {{ $.resource.data.hasData | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Backend Bucket data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/backendBucketServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Backend Bucket resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Backend Bucket > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Backend Bucket data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_backendbucket",
"label": "GCP > Network > Backend Bucket",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "backend_bucket_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "bucket_name",
"label": "Bucket Name"
"name": "cdn_policy",
"label": "CDN Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "enable_cdn",
"label": "Enable Cdn",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "has_data",
"label": "Has Data",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"

GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Backend Service based on the policies GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Backend Service information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Backend Service is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: backendService{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"affinity_cookie_ttl_sec: {{ $.resource.data.affinityCookieTtlSec | dump | safe }}\nbackend_service_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nbackends: {{ $.resource.data.backends | dump | safe }}\ncdn_policy: {{ $.resource.data.cdnPolicy | dump | safe }}\ncircuit_breakers: {{ $.resource.data.circuitBreakers | dump | safe }}\ncompression_mode: {{ $.resource.data.compressionMode | dump | safe }}\nconnection_draining_timeout_sec: {{ $.resource.data.connectionDraining | dump | safe }}\nconnection_tracking_policy: {{ $.resource.data.connectionTrackingPolicy | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nedge_security_policy: {{ $.resource.data.edgeSecurityPolicy | dump | safe }}\nenable_cdn: {{ $.resource.data.enableCdn | dump | safe }}\nfailover_policy: {{ $.resource.data.failoverPolicy | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\nhealth_checks: {{ $.resource.data.healthChecks | dump | safe }}\niap: {{ $.resource.data.iap | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nip_address_selection_policy: {{ $.resource.data.ipAddressSelectionPolicy | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nload_balancing_scheme: {{ $.resource.data.loadBalancingScheme | dump | safe }}\nlocality_lb_policy: {{ $.resource.data.localityLbPolicy | dump | safe }}\nlog_config: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_sample_rate: {{ $.resource.data.logConfigSampleRate | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nport: {{ $.resource.data.port | dump | safe }}\nport_name: {{ $.resource.data.portName | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nprotocol: {{ $.resource.data.protocol | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nsecurity_policy: {{ $.resource.data.securityPolicy | dump | safe }}\nsecurity_settings: {{ $.resource.data.securitySettings | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nsession_affinity: {{ $.resource.data.sessionAffinity | dump | safe }}\nsigned_url_key_names: {{ $.resource.data.signedUrlKeyNames | dump | safe }}\nsubsetting: {{ $.resource.data.subsetting | dump | safe }}\ntimeout_sec: {{ $.resource.data.timeoutSec | dump | safe }}\nvpc_network_scope: {{ $.resource.data.vpcNetworkScope | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Backend Service data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/backendServiceServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Backend Service resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Backend Service > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Backend Service data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_backendservice",
"label": "GCP > Network > Backend Service",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec",
"label": "Affinity Cookie TTL Sec",
"type": "integer"
"name": "backend_service_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "backends",
"label": "Backends",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "cdn_policy",
"label": "CDN Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "circuit_breakers",
"label": "Circuit Breakers",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "compression_mode",
"label": "Compression Mode",
"type": "string"
"name": "connection_draining_timeout_sec",
"label": "Connection Draining Timeout Sec"
"name": "connection_tracking_policy",
"label": "Connection Tracking Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "edge_security_policy",
"label": "Edge Security Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "enable_cdn",
"label": "Enable CDN",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "failover_policy",
"label": "Failover Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "health_checks",
"label": "Health Checks",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "iap",
"label": "IAP",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ip_address_selection_policy",
"label": "IP Address Selection Policy"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "load_balancing_scheme",
"label": "Load Balancing Scheme"
"name": "locality_lb_policy",
"label": "Locality Lb Policy"
"name": "log_config",
"label": "Log Config",
"type": "string"
"name": "log_config_sample_rate",
"label": "Log Config Sample Rate"
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "port",
"label": "Port"
"name": "port_name",
"label": "Port Name"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "protocol",
"label": "Protocol"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "security_policy",
"label": "Security Policy"
"name": "security_settings",
"label": "Security Settings",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "session_affinity",
"label": "Session Affinity"
"name": "signed_url_key_names",
"label": "Signed Url Key Names",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "subsetting",
"label": "subsetting",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "timeout_sec",
"label": "Timeout Sec"
"name": "vpc_network_scope",
"label": "VPC Network Scope"

GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Firewall based on the policies GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Firewall information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Firewall is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: firewall{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"allowed: {{ $.resource.data.allowed | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndenied: {{ $.resource.data.denied | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\ndestination_ranges: {{ $.resource.data.destinationRanges | dump | safe }}\ndirection: {{ $.resource.data.direction | dump | safe }}\ndisabled: {{ $.resource.data.disabled | dump | safe }}\nfirewall_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nlog_config: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\npriority: {{ $.resource.data.priority | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nsource_ranges: {{ $.resource.data.sourceRanges | dump | safe }}\nsource_service_accounts: {{ $.resource.data.sourceServiceAccounts | dump | safe }}\nsource_tags: {{ $.resource.data.sourceTags | dump | safe }}\ntarget_service_accounts: {{ $.resource.data.targetServiceAccounts | dump | safe }}\ntarget_tags: {{ $.resource.data.targetTags | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Firewall data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/firewallServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Firewall resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Firewall > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Firewall data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_firewall",
"label": "GCP > Network > Firewall",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "allowed",
"label": "Allowed",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "denied",
"label": "Denied",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "destination_ranges",
"label": "Destination Ranges",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "direction",
"label": "Direction"
"name": "disabled",
"label": "Disabled",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "firewall_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "log_config",
"label": "Log Config",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "priority",
"label": "Priority"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "source_ranges",
"label": "Source Ranges",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "source_service_accounts",
"label": "Source Service Accounts",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "source_tags",
"label": "Source Tags",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "target_service_accounts",
"label": "Target Service Accounts",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "target_tags",
"label": "Target Tags",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule based on the policies GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: forwardingRule{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"all_ports: {{ $.resource.data.allPorts | dump | safe }}\nallow_global_access: {{ $.resource.data.allowGlobalAccess | dump | safe }}\nbackend_service: {{ $.resource.data.backendService | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\nforwarding_rule_ip_address: {{ $.resource.data.IPAddress | dump | safe }}\nglobal_forwarding_rule_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nip_protocol: {{ $.resource.data.IPProtocol | dump | safe }}\nip_version: {{ $.resource.data.ipVersion | dump | safe }}\nis_mirroring_collector: {{ $.resource.data.isMirroringCollector | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nlabels: {{ $.resource.data.labels | dump | safe }}\nload_balancing_scheme: {{ $.resource.data.loadBalancingScheme | dump | safe }}\nmetadata_filters: {{ $.resource.data.metadataFilters | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nnetwork_tier: {{ $.resource.data.networkTier | dump | safe }}\nport_range: {{ $.resource.data.portRange | dump | safe }}\nports: {{ $.resource.data.ports | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nservice_label: {{ $.resource.data.serviceLabel | dump | safe }}\nservice_name: {{ $.resource.data.serviceName | dump | safe }}\nsubnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.subnetwork | dump | safe }}\ntarget: {{ $.resource.data.target | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/forwardingRuleServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_forwardingrule",
"label": "GCP > Network > Forwarding Rule",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "all_ports",
"label": "All Ports",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "allow_global_access",
"label": "Allow Global Access",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "backend_service",
"label": "Backend Service"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "forwarding_rule_ip_address",
"label": "IP Address"
"name": "global_forwarding_rule_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ip_protocol",
"label": "IP Protocol"
"name": "ip_version",
"label": "IP Version"
"name": "is_mirroring_collector",
"label": "Is Mirroring Collector",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "labels",
"label": "Labels",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "load_balancing_scheme",
"label": "Load Balancing Scheme"
"name": "metadata_filters",
"label": "Metadata Filters",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "network_tier",
"label": "Network Tier"
"name": "port_range",
"label": "Port Range"
"name": "ports",
"label": "Ports",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "service_label",
"label": "Service Label"
"name": "service_name",
"label": "Service Name"
"name": "subnetwork",
"label": "Subnetwork"
"name": "target",
"label": "Target"

GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Global Address based on the policies GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Global Address information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Global Address is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: globalAddress{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"address: {{ $.resource.data.address | dump | safe }}\naddress_type: {{ $.resource.data.addressType | dump | safe }}\nakas: {{ $.resource.data.akas | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nglobal_address_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nip_version: {{ $.resource.data.ipVersion | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nnetwork_tier: {{ $.resource.data.networkTier | dump | safe }}\nprefix_length: {{ $.resource.data.prefixLength | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\npurpose: {{ $.resource.data.purpose | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nstatus: {{ $.resource.data.status | dump | safe }}\nsubnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.subnetwork | dump | safe }}\nusers: {{ $.resource.data.users | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Global Address data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/globalAddressServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Global Address resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Global Address > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Global Address data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_globaladdress",
"label": "GCP > Network > Global Address",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "address",
"label": "Address"
"name": "address_type",
"label": "Address Type"
"name": "akas",
"label": "AKAS",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "global_address_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ip_version",
"label": "IP Version"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "network_tier",
"label": "Network Tier"
"name": "prefix_length",
"label": "Prefix Length"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "purpose",
"label": "Purpose"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "status",
"label": "Status"
"name": "subnetwork",
"label": "Subnetwork"
"name": "users",
"label": "Users",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule based on the policies GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: globalForwardingRule{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"all_ports: {{ $.resource.data.allPorts | dump | safe }}\nallow_global_access: {{ $.resource.data.allowGlobalAccess | dump | safe }}\nbackend_service: {{ $.resource.data.backendService | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\nglobal_forwarding_rule_ip_address: {{ $.resource.data.IPAddress | dump | safe }}\nglobal_forwarding_rule_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nip_address: {{ $.resource.data.IPAddress | dump | safe }}\nip_protocol: {{ $.resource.data.IPProtocol | dump | safe }}\nip_version: {{ $.resource.data.ipVersion | dump | safe }}\nis_mirroring_collector: {{ $.resource.data.isMirroringCollector | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nload_balancing_scheme: {{ $.resource.data.loadBalancingScheme | dump | safe }}\nmetadata_filters: {{ $.resource.data.metadataFilters | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nnetwork_tier: {{ $.resource.data.networkTier | dump | safe }}\nport_range: {{ $.resource.data.portRange | dump | safe }}\nports: {{ $.resource.data.ports | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nservice_label: {{ $.resource.data.serviceLabel | dump | safe }}\nservice_name: {{ $.resource.data.serviceName | dump | safe }}\nsubnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.subnetwork | dump | safe }}\ntarget: {{ $.resource.data.target | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/globalForwardingRuleServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_globalforwardingrule",
"label": "GCP > Network > Global Forwarding Rule",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "all_ports",
"label": "All Ports",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "allow_global_access",
"label": "Allow Global Access",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "backend_service",
"label": "Backend Service"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "global_forwarding_rule_ip_address",
"label": "IP Address",
"size": 2000
"name": "global_forwarding_rule_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ip_address",
"label": "IP Address"
"name": "ip_protocol",
"label": "IP Protocol"
"name": "ip_version",
"label": "IP Version"
"name": "is_mirroring_collector",
"label": "Is Mirroring Collector",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "load_balancing_scheme",
"label": "Load Balancing Scheme"
"name": "metadata_filters",
"label": "Metadata Filters",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "network_tier",
"label": "Network Tier"
"name": "port_range",
"label": "Port Range"
"name": "ports",
"label": "Ports",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "service_label",
"label": "Service Label"
"name": "service_name",
"label": "Service Name"
"name": "subnetwork",
"label": "Subnetwork"
"name": "target",
"label": "Target"

GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Interconnect based on the policies GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Interconnect information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Interconnect is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: interconnect{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"admin_enabled: {{ $.resource.data.adminEnabled | dump | safe }}\navailable_features: {{ $.resource.data.availableFeatures | dump | safe }}\ncircuit_infos: {{ $.resource.data.circuitInfos | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ncustomer_name: {{ $.resource.data.customerName | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nexpected_outages: {{ $.resource.data.expectedOutages | dump | safe }}\ngoogle_ip_address: {{ $.resource.data.googleIpAddress | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\ninterconnect_attachments: {{ $.resource.data.interconnectAttachments | dump | safe }}\ninterconnect_location: {{ $.resource.data.location | dump | safe }}\ninterconnect_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\ninterconnect_operational_status: {{ $.resource.data.operationalStatus | dump | safe }}\ninterconnect_type: {{ $.resource.data.interconnectType | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nlabels: {{ $.resource.data.labels | dump | safe }}\nlinktype: {{ $.resource.data.linkType | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nrequested_features: {{ $.resource.data.requestedFeatures | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nself_link_with_id: {{ $.resource.data.selfLinkWithId | dump | safe }}\nstate: {{ $.resource.data.state | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Interconnect data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/interconnectServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Interconnect resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Interconnect > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Interconnect data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_interconnect",
"label": "GCP > Network > Interconnect",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "admin_enabled",
"label": "Admin Enabled",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "available_features",
"label": "Available Features",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "circuit_infos",
"label": "Circuit Infos",
"type": "string"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "customer_name",
"label": "Customer Name",
"type": "string"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "expected_outages",
"label": "Expected Outages",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "google_ip_address",
"label": "Google IP Address"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "interconnect_attachments",
"label": "Interconnect Attachments",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "interconnect_location",
"label": "Location"
"name": "interconnect_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "interconnect_operational_status",
"label": "Operational Status"
"name": "interconnect_type",
"label": "Interconnect Type",
"type": "string"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "labels",
"label": "Labels",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "linktype",
"label": "Link Type"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "requested_features",
"label": "Requested Features",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "self_link_with_id",
"label": "Self Link With ID",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "state",
"label": "State",
"type": "string"

GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Network based on the policies GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Network information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Network is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: network{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"auto_create_subnetworks: {{ $.resource.data.autoCreateSubnetworks | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\ngateway_ipv4: {{ $.resource.data.gatewayIPv4 | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nipv4_range: {{ $.resource.data.IPv4Range | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nmtu: {{ $.resource.data.mtu | dump | safe }}\nnetwork_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\npeerings: {{ $.resource.data.peerings | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nrouting_mode: {{ $.resource.data.routingConfig.routingMode | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nsubnetworks: {{ $.resource.data.subnetworks | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Network data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/networkServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Network resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Network > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Network data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_network",
"label": "GCP > Network > Network",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "auto_create_subnetworks",
"label": "Auto Create Subnetworks",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "gateway_ipv4",
"label": "Gateway IPv4"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ipv4_range",
"label": "IPv4 Range"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "mtu",
"label": "MTU"
"name": "network_name",
"label": "Network Name"
"name": "peerings",
"label": "Peerings",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "project",
"label": "Project",
"type": "string"
"name": "routing_mode",
"label": "Routing Mode"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "subnetworks",
"label": "Subnetworks",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring based on the policies GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: packetMirroring{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"collector_ilb: {{ $.resource.data.collectorIlb | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nmirrored_resources: {{ $.resource.data.mirroredResources | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\npacket_mirroring_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\npriority: {{ $.resource.data.priority | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/packetMirroringServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_packetmirroring",
"label": "GCP > Network > Packet Mirroring",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "collector_ilb",
"label": "Collector ILB",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "mirrored_resources",
"label": "Mirrored Resources",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "network",
"label": "Network",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "packet_mirroring_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "priority",
"label": "Priority"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"

GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Region Backend Service based on the policies GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Region Backend Service information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Region Backend Service is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: regionBackendService{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"affinity_cookie_ttl_sec: {{ $.resource.data.affinityCookieTtlSec | dump | safe }}\nbackends: {{ $.resource.data.backends | dump | safe }}\ncdn_policy: {{ $.resource.data.cdnPolicy | dump | safe }}\ncircuit_breakers: {{ $.resource.data.circuitBreakers | dump | safe }}\ncompression_mode: {{ $.resource.data.compressionMode | dump | safe }}\nconnection_draining_timeout_sec: {{ $.resource.data.connectionDraining | dump | safe }}\nconnection_tracking_policy: {{ $.resource.data.connectionTrackingPolicy | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nedge_security_policy: {{ $.resource.data.edgeSecurityPolicy | dump | safe }}\nenable_cdn: {{ $.resource.data.enableCdn | dump | safe }}\nfailover_policy: {{ $.resource.data.failoverPolicy | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\nhealth_checks: {{ $.resource.data.healthChecks | dump | safe }}\niap: {{ $.resource.data.iap | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nip_address_selection_policy: {{ $.resource.data.ipAddressSelectionPolicy | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nload_balancing_scheme: {{ $.resource.data.loadBalancingScheme | dump | safe }}\nlocality_lb_policy: {{ $.resource.data.localityLbPolicy | dump | safe }}\nlog_config: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_sample_rate: {{ $.resource.data.logConfigSampleRate | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nport: {{ $.resource.data.port | dump | safe }}\nport_name: {{ $.resource.data.portName | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nprotocol: {{ $.resource.data.protocol | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nregion_backend_service_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nsecurity_policy: {{ $.resource.data.securityPolicy | dump | safe }}\nsecurity_settings: {{ $.resource.data.securitySettings | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nsession_affinity: {{ $.resource.data.sessionAffinity | dump | safe }}\nsigned_url_key_names: {{ $.resource.data.signedUrlKeyNames | dump | safe }}\nsubsetting: {{ $.resource.data.subsetting | dump | safe }}\ntimeout_sec: {{ $.resource.data.timeoutSec | dump | safe }}\nvpc_network_scope: {{ $.resource.data.vpcNetworkScope | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Region Backend Service data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/regionBackendServiceServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Region Backend Service resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region Backend Service > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Region Backend Service data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_regionbackendservice",
"label": "GCP > Network > Region Backend Service",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "affinity_cookie_ttl_sec",
"label": "Affinity Cookie TTL Sec",
"type": "integer"
"name": "backends",
"label": "Backends",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "cdn_policy",
"label": "CDN Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "circuit_breakers",
"label": "Circuit Breakers",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "compression_mode",
"label": "Compression Mode",
"type": "string"
"name": "connection_draining_timeout_sec",
"label": "Connection Draining Timeout Sec"
"name": "connection_tracking_policy",
"label": "Connection Tracking Policy",
"type": "integer",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "edge_security_policy",
"label": "Edge Security Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "enable_cdn",
"label": "Enable CDN",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "failover_policy",
"label": "Failover Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "health_checks",
"label": "Health Checks",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "iap",
"label": "IAP",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ip_address_selection_policy",
"label": "IP Address Selection Policy"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "load_balancing_scheme",
"label": "Load Balancing Scheme"
"name": "locality_lb_policy",
"label": "Locality LB Policy"
"name": "log_config",
"label": "Log Config",
"type": "string"
"name": "log_config_sample_rate",
"label": "Log Config Sample Rate"
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "port",
"label": "Port"
"name": "port_name",
"label": "Port Name"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "protocol",
"label": "Protocol"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "region_backend_service_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "security_policy",
"label": "Security Policy"
"name": "security_settings",
"label": "Security Settings",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "session_affinity",
"label": "Session Affinity"
"name": "signed_url_key_names",
"label": "Signed URL Key Names",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "subsetting",
"label": "subsetting",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "timeout_sec",
"label": "Timeout Sec"
"name": "vpc_network_scope",
"label": "VPC Network Scope"

GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate based on the policies GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: regionSslCertificate{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"certificate: {{ $.resource.data.certificate | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nexpire_time: {{ $.resource.data.expireTime | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nmanaged: {{ $.resource.data.managed | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nregion_ssl_certificate_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nself_managed: {{ $.resource.data.selfManaged | dump | safe }}\nsubject_alternative_names: {{ $.resource.data.subjectAlternativeNames | dump | safe }}\ntype: {{ $.resource.data.type | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/regionSslCertificateServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_regionsslcertificate",
"label": "GCP > Network > Region SSL Certificate",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "certificate",
"label": "Certificate"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "expire_time",
"label": "Expire Time"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "managed",
"label": "Managed",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "project",
"label": "Project",
"type": "string"
"name": "region_ssl_certificate_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "self_managed",
"label": "Self Managed",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "subject_alternative_names",
"label": "Subject Alternative Names",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "type",
"label": "Type",
"type": "string"

GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy based on the policies GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: regionTargetHttpsProxy{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"authentication: {{ $.resource.data.authentication | dump | safe }}\nauthorization: {{ $.resource.data.authorization | dump | safe }}\nauthorization_policy: {{ $.resource.data.authorizationPolicy | dump | safe }}\ncertificate_map: {{ $.resource.data.certificateMap | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nproxy_bind: {{ $.resource.data.proxyBind | dump | safe }}\nquic_override: {{ $.resource.data.quicOverride | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nregion_target_https_proxy_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nserver_tls_policy: {{ $.resource.data.serverTlsPolicy | dump | safe }}\nssl_certificates: {{ $.resource.data.sslCertificates | dump | safe }}\nssl_policy: {{ $.resource.data.sslPolicy | dump | safe }}\nurl_map: {{ $.resource.data.urlMap | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/regionTargetHttpsProxyServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_regiontargethttpsproxy",
"label": "GCP > Network > Region Target HTTPS Proxy",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "authentication",
"label": "Authentication"
"name": "authorization",
"label": "Authorization"
"name": "authorization_policy",
"label": "Authorization Policy"
"name": "certificate_map",
"label": "Certificate Map"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "proxy_bind",
"label": "Proxy Bind",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "quic_override",
"label": "Quic Override"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "region_target_https_proxy_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "server_tls_policy",
"label": "Server TLS Policy"
"name": "ssl_certificates",
"label": "SSL Certificates",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "ssl_policy",
"label": "SSL Policy"
"name": "url_map",
"label": "URL Map"

GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Region URL Map based on the policies GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Region URL Map information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Region URL Map is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: regionUrlMap{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndefault_route_action: {{ $.resource.data.defaultRouteAction | dump | safe }}\ndefault_service: {{ $.resource.data.defaultService | dump | safe }}\ndefault_url_redirect: {{ $.resource.data.defaultUrlRedirect | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\nheader_action: {{ $.resource.data.headerAction | dump | safe }}\nhost_rules: {{ $.resource.data.hostRules | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\npath_matchers: {{ $.resource.data.pathMatchers | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nregion_urlmap_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\ntests: {{ $.resource.data.tests | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Region URL Map data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/regionUrlMapServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Region URL Map resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Region URL Map > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Region URL Map data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_regionurlmap",
"label": "GCP > Network > Region URL Map",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "default_route_action",
"label": "Default Route Action",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "default_service",
"label": "Default Service"
"name": "default_url_redirect",
"label": "Default URL Redirect",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "header_action",
"label": "Header Action",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "host_rules",
"label": "Host Rules",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "path_matchers",
"label": "Path Matchers",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "region_urlmap_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "tests",
"label": "Tests",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Route based on the policies GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Route information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Route is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: route{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"as_paths: {{ $.resource.data.asPaths | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\ndest_range: {{ $.resource.data.destRange | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_gateway: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopGateway | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_hub: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopHub | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_ilb: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopIlb | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_instance: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopInstance | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_ip: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopIp | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_network: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopNetwork | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_peering: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopPeering | dump | safe }}\nnext_hop_vpn_tunnel: {{ $.resource.data.nextHopVpnTunnel | dump | safe }}\npriority: {{ $.resource.data.priority | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nroute_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nroute_status: {{ $.resource.data.routeStatus | dump | safe }}\nroute_type: {{ $.resource.data.routeType | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\ntags: {{ $.resource.turbot.tags | dump | safe }}\nwarnings: {{ $.resource.data.warnings | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Route data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/routeServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Route resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Route > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Route data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_route",
"label": "GCP > Network > Route",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "as_paths",
"label": "As Paths",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "dest_range",
"label": "Dest Range",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "network",
"label": "Network",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "next_hop_gateway",
"label": "Next Hop Gateway",
"type": "string"
"name": "next_hop_hub",
"label": "Next Hop Hub",
"type": "string"
"name": "next_hop_ilb",
"label": "Next Hop ILB",
"type": "string"
"name": "next_hop_instance",
"label": "Next Hop Instance",
"type": "string"
"name": "next_hop_ip",
"label": "Next Hop IP",
"type": "string"
"name": "next_hop_network",
"label": "Next Hop Network",
"type": "string"
"name": "next_hop_peering",
"label": "Next Hop Peering",
"type": "string"
"name": "next_hop_vpn_tunnel",
"label": "Next Hop VPN Tunnel",
"type": "string"
"name": "priority",
"label": "Priority"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "route_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "route_status",
"label": "Route Status",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "route_type",
"label": "Route Type",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "tags",
"label": "Tags",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "warnings",
"label": "Warnings",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Router based on the policies GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Router information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Router is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: router{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"bgp: {{ $.resource.data.bgp | dump | safe }}\nbgp_peers: {{ $.resource.data.bgpPeers | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nenableipv6: {{ $.resource.data.enableIpv6 | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\ninterfaces: {{ $.resource.data.interfaces | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nnats: {{ $.resource.data.nats | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nrouter_appliance_instance: {{ $.resource.data.routerApplianceInstance | dump | safe }}\nrouter_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Router data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/routerServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Router resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Router > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Router data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_router",
"label": "GCP > Network > Router",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "bgp",
"label": "BGP",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "bgp_peers",
"label": "BGP Peers",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "enableipv6",
"label": "Enable Ipv6",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "interfaces",
"label": "Interfaces",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "nats",
"label": "NATs",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "router_appliance_instance",
"label": "Router Appliance Instance"
"name": "router_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"

GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > SSL Certificate based on the policies GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > SSL Certificate information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > SSL Certificate is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: sslCertificate{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"certificate: {{ $.resource.data.certificate | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nexpire_time: {{ $.resource.data.expireTime | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nmanaged: {{ $.resource.data.managed | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nself_managed: {{ $.resource.data.selfManaged | dump | safe }}\nssl_certificate_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\ntype: {{ $.resource.data.type | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > SSL Certificate data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/sslCertificateServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > SSL Certificate resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > SSL Certificate > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > SSL Certificate data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_sslcertificate",
"label": "GCP > Network > SSL Certificate",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "certificate",
"label": "Certificate"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "expire_time",
"label": "Expire Time"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "managed",
"label": "Managed",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "project",
"label": "Project",
"type": "string"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "self_managed",
"label": "Self Managed",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "ssl_certificate_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "type",
"label": "Type",
"type": "string"

GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > SSL Policy based on the policies GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > SSL Policy information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > SSL Policy is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: sslPolicy{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ncustom_features: {{ $.resource.data.customFeatures | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nenabled_features: {{ $.resource.data.enabledFeatures | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nmin_tls_version: {{ $.resource.data.minTlsVersion | dump | safe }}\nprofile: {{ $.resource.data.profile | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nssl_policy_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nwarnings: {{ $.resource.data.warnings | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > SSL Policy data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/sslPolicyServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > SSL Policy resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > SSL Policy > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > SSL Policy data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_sslpolicy",
"label": "GCP > Network > SSL Policy",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "custom_features",
"label": "Custom Features",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "enabled_features",
"label": "Enabled Features",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "min_tls_version",
"label": "Min TlS Version"
"name": "profile",
"label": "Profile"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "ssl_policy_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "warnings",
"label": "Warnings",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Subnetwork based on the policies GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Subnetwork information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Subnetwork is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: subnetwork{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nenable_flow_logs: {{ $.resource.data.enableFlowLogs | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\ngateway_address: {{ $.resource.data.gatewayAddress | dump | safe }}\niam_policy: {{ $.resource.data.iamPolicy | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nip_cidr_range: {{ $.resource.data.ipCidrRange | dump | safe }}\nipv6_cidr_range: {{ $.resource.data.ipv6CidrRange | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_aggregation_interval: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig.aggregationInterval | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_enable: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig.enable | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_filter_expr: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig.filterExpr | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_flow_sampling: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig.flowSampling | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_metadata: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig.metadata | dump | safe }}\nlog_config_metadata_fields: {{ $.resource.data.logConfig.metadataFields | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nprivate_ip_google_access: {{ $.resource.data.privateIpGoogleAccess | dump | safe }}\nprivate_ipv6_google_access: {{ $.resource.data.privateIpv6GoogleAccess | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\npurpose: {{ $.resource.data.purpose | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nrole: {{ $.resource.data.role | dump | safe }}\nsecondary_ip_ranges: {{ $.resource.data.secondaryIpRanges | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nstate: {{ $.resource.data.state | dump | safe }}\nsubnetwork_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Subnetwork data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/subnetworkServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Subnetwork resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Subnetwork > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Subnetwork data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_subnetwork",
"label": "GCP > Network > Subnetwork",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "enable_flow_logs",
"label": "Enable Flow Logs",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "gateway_address",
"label": "Gateway Address"
"name": "iam_policy",
"label": "IAM Policy",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ip_cidr_range",
"label": "IP CIDR Range"
"name": "ipv6_cidr_range",
"label": "IPV6 CIDR Range"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "log_config_aggregation_interval",
"label": "Log Config Aggregation Interval"
"name": "log_config_enable",
"label": "Log Config Enable",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "log_config_filter_expr",
"label": "Log Config Filter Expr"
"name": "log_config_flow_sampling",
"label": "Log Config Flow Sampling"
"name": "log_config_metadata",
"label": "Log Config Metadata"
"name": "log_config_metadata_fields",
"label": "Log Config Metadata Fields",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "private_ip_google_access",
"label": "Private IP Google Access",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "private_ipv6_google_access",
"label": "Private IPv6 Google Access"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project",
"type": "string"
"name": "purpose",
"label": "Purpose"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "role",
"label": "Role"
"name": "secondary_ip_ranges",
"label": "Secondary IP Ranges",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "state",
"label": "State"
"name": "subnetwork_name",
"label": "Subnetwork Name"

GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy based on the policies GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: targetHttpsProxy{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"authentication: {{ $.resource.data.authentication | dump | safe }}\nauthorization: {{ $.resource.data.authorization | dump | safe }}\nauthorization_policy: {{ $.resource.data.authorizationPolicy | dump | safe }}\ncertificate_map: {{ $.resource.data.certificateMap | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nlocation_type: {{ $.resource.data.locationType | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nproxy_bind: {{ $.resource.data.proxyBind | dump | safe }}\nquic_override: {{ $.resource.data.quicOverride | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nserver_tls_policy: {{ $.resource.data.serverTlsPolicy | dump | safe }}\nssl_certificates: {{ $.resource.data.sslCertificates | dump | safe }}\nssl_policy: {{ $.resource.data.sslPolicy | dump | safe }}\ntarget_https_proxy_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\nurl_map: {{ $.resource.data.urlMap | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/targetHttpsProxyServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_targethttpsproxy",
"label": "GCP > Network > Target HTTPS Proxy",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "authentication",
"label": "Authentication"
"name": "authorization",
"label": "Authorization"
"name": "authorization_policy",
"label": "Authorization Policy"
"name": "certificate_map",
"label": "Certificate Map"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "location_type",
"label": "Location Type"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "proxy_bind",
"label": "Proxy Bind",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "quic_override",
"label": "Quic Override"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "server_tls_policy",
"label": "Server TLS Policy"
"name": "ssl_certificates",
"label": "SSL Certificates",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "ssl_policy",
"label": "SSL Policy"
"name": "target_https_proxy_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "url_map",
"label": "URL Map"

GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Target Pool based on the policies GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Target Pool information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Target Pool is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: targetPool{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nfailover_ratio: {{ $.resource.data.failoverRatio | dump | safe }}\nhealth_checks: {{ $.resource.data.healthChecks | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\ninstances: {{ $.resource.data.instances | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nregion_name: {{ $.resource.data.regionName | dump | safe }}\nsecurity_policy: {{ $.resource.data.securityPolicy | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nsession_affinity: {{ $.resource.data.sessionAffinity | dump | safe }}\ntarget_pool_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Target Pool data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/targetPoolServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Target Pool resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target Pool > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Target Pool data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_targetpool",
"label": "GCP > Network > Target Pool",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "failover_ratio",
"label": "Failover Ratio",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "health_checks",
"label": "Health Checks",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "instances",
"label": "Instances",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "region_name",
"label": "Region Name"
"name": "security_policy",
"label": "Security Policy"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "session_affinity",
"label": "Session Affinity"
"name": "target_pool_name",
"label": "Name"

GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy based on the policies GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: targetSslProxy{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"certificate_map: {{ $.resource.data.certificateMap | dump | safe }}\ncreation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nproxy_header: {{ $.resource.data.proxyHeader | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nservice: {{ $.resource.data.service | dump | safe }}\nssl_certificates: {{ $.resource.data.sslCertificates | dump | safe }}\nssl_policy: {{ $.resource.data.sslPolicy | dump | safe }}\ntarget_ssl_proxy_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/targetSslProxyServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_targetsslproxy",
"label": "GCP > Network > Target SSL Proxy",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "certificate_map",
"label": "Certificate Map"
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "proxy_header",
"label": "Proxy Header"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "service",
"label": "Service"
"name": "ssl_certificates",
"label": "SSL Certificates",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "ssl_policy",
"label": "SSL Policy"
"name": "target_ssl_proxy_name",
"label": "Name"

GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy based on the policies GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: targetTcpProxy{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nproxy_bind: {{ $.resource.data.proxyBind | dump | safe }}\nproxy_header: {{ $.resource.data.proxyHeader | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nservice: {{ $.resource.data.service | dump | safe }}\ntarget_tcp_proxy_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/targetTcpProxyServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_targettcpproxy",
"label": "GCP > Network > Target TCP Proxy",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "proxy_bind",
"label": "Proxy Bind",
"type": "boolean"
"name": "proxy_header",
"label": "Proxy Header"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "service",
"label": "Service"
"name": "target_tcp_proxy_name",
"label": "Name"

GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway based on the policies GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: targetVpnGateway{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nforwarding_rules: {{ $.resource.data.forwardingRules | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nlabels: {{ $.resource.data.labels | dump | safe }}\nnetwork: {{ $.resource.data.network | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.data.project | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nstatus: {{ $.resource.data.status | dump | safe }}\ntarget_vpn_gateway_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\ntunnels: {{ $.resource.data.tunnels | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/targetVpnGatewayServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_targetvpngateway",
"label": "GCP > Network > Target VPN Gateway",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "forwarding_rules",
"label": "Forwarding Rules",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "labels",
"label": "Labels",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "network",
"label": "Network"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "status",
"label": "Status"
"name": "target_vpn_gateway_name",
"label": "Name"
"name": "tunnels",
"label": "Tunnels",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000

GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > URL Map based on the policies GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > URL Map information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > URL Map is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: urlMap{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndefault_route_action: {{ $.resource.data.defaultRouteAction | dump | safe }}\ndefault_service: {{ $.resource.data.defaultService | dump | safe }}\ndefault_url_redirect: {{ $.resource.data.defaultUrlRedirect | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\nfingerprint: {{ $.resource.data.fingerprint | dump | safe }}\nheader_action: {{ $.resource.data.headerAction | dump | safe }}\nhost_rules: {{ $.resource.data.hostRules | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\npath_matchers: {{ $.resource.data.pathMatchers | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.metadata.gcp.projectId | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\ntests: {{ $.resource.data.tests | dump | safe }}\nurlmap_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > URL Map data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/urlMapServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > URL Map resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > URL Map > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > URL Map data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_urlmap",
"label": "GCP > Network > URL Map",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "default_route_action",
"label": "Default Route Action",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "default_service",
"label": "Default Service"
"name": "default_url_redirect",
"label": "Default URL Redirect",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "fingerprint",
"label": "Fingerprint"
"name": "header_action",
"label": "Header Action",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "host_rules",
"label": "Host Rules",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "path_matchers",
"label": "Path Matchers",
"type": "string",
"size": 2000
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "tests",
"label": "Tests",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "urlmap_name",
"label": "Name"

GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow


GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow > Configuration Item

Synchronize the data for the GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel based on the policies GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > *

The Configuration Item control is responsible for automatically synchronizing records in a designated ServiceNow table, maintaining an up-to-date reflection of the GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel information within the ServiceNow CMDB.

Valid Value
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Archived",
"Check: Deleted",
"Check: Sync",
"Enforce: Archived",
"Enforce: Deleted",
"Enforce: Sync",
"Enforce: Sync, archive on delete"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Record

The policy facilitates the accurate representation of cloud resource within the ServiceNow environment, ensuring that critical data is effectively mapped and managed. Attribute of an GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel is systematically mapped to a specific column in a ServiceNow table.

The policy allows enabling organizations to select and map only those attributes that are most relevant to their operational needs. It significantly reduces the manual effort involved in data transfer and minimizes the risk of errors, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of data management.

Default Template Input
"{\n resource: vpnTunnel{\n data\n metadata\n turbot {\n akas\n id\n tags\n title\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"creation_timestamp: {{ $.resource.data.creationTimestamp | dump | safe }}\ndescription: {{ $.resource.data.description | dump | safe }}\ndetailed_status: {{ $.resource.data.detailedStatus | dump | safe }}\nid: {{ $.resource.data.id | dump | safe }}\nike_version: {{ $.resource.data.ikeVersion | dump | safe }}\nkind: {{ $.resource.data.kind | dump | safe }}\nlocal_traffic_selector: {{ $.resource.data.localTrafficSelector | dump | safe }}\npeer_external_gateway: {{ $.resource.data.peerExternalGateway | dump | safe }}\npeer_external_gateway_interface: {{ $.resource.data.peerExternalGatewayInterface | dump | safe }}\npeer_gcp_gateway: {{ $.resource.data.peerGcpGateway | dump | safe }}\npeer_ip: {{ $.resource.data.peerIp | dump | safe }}\nproject: {{ $.resource.data.project | dump | safe }}\nregion: {{ $.resource.data.region | dump | safe }}\nremote_traffic_selector: {{ $.resource.data.remoteTrafficSelector | dump | safe }}\nrouter: {{ $.resource.data.router | dump | safe }}\nself_link: {{ $.resource.data.selfLink | dump | safe }}\nshared_secret: {{ $.resource.data.sharedSecret | dump | safe }}\nshared_secret_hash: {{ $.resource.data.sharedSecretHash | dump | safe }}\nstatus: {{ $.resource.data.status | dump | safe }}\ntarget_vpn_gateway: {{ $.resource.data.targetVpnGateway | dump | safe }}\nvpn_gateway: {{ $.resource.data.vpnGateway | dump | safe }}\nvpn_gateway_interface: {{ $.resource.data.vpnGatewayInterface | dump | safe }}\nvpn_gateway_name: {{ $.resource.data.vpnGateway | dump | safe }}\nvpn_tunnel_name: {{ $.resource.data.name | dump | safe }}\n"
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow > Configuration Item > Table Definition

This policy specifically allows users to define two key aspects: the name of the ServiceNow table where the GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel data will be stored, and the details of the columns used for archiving purposes.

Default Template Input
"{\n serviceNowInstance: resources(filter: \"resourceTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/resource/types/instance level:self limit:1\") {\n items {\n turbot {\n id\n }\n }\n }\n}\n",
"{\n tableDefinition: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow-gcp-network#/policy/types/vpnTunnelServiceNowTableDefinition resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n applicationScope: policyValues(filter: \"policyTypeId:tmod:@turbot/servicenow#/policy/types/serviceNowApplicationScope resourceId:{{$.serviceNowInstance.items[0].turbot.id}} level:self\") {\n items {\n value\n }\n }\n}\n"
Default Template
"tableName: "{%- if $.applicationScope.items | length == 0 or $.tableDefinition.items | length == 0 %} {%- else %}{{$.applicationScope.items[0].value}}_{{$.tableDefinition.items[0].value.table.name | lower}}{% endif %}"\n"
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"tableName": {
"type": "string"
"archiveColumns": {
"type": "object"

GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow > Table

Configure a Table for GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel resource type in ServiceNow via the GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow > Table > * policies.

Valid Value
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"Check: Configured",
"Enforce: Configured"
"example": [
"default": "Skip"

GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel > ServiceNow > Table > Definition

The policy enables the definition of ServiceNow table properties, including its name and the base table from which it extends, and details the specific columns required for representing GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel data.

"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": false,
"required": [
"properties": {
"table": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string"
"extendsTable": {
"type": "string",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"columns": {
"type": "array",
"description": "An array of columns with their mappings to the CMDB.",
"default": [],
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The name of the column in the table.",
"pattern": "^([0-9a-z_])+$"
"label": {
"type": "string",
"description": "The label for the column."
"type": {
"description": "The data type of the column.",
"type": "string"
"size": {
"type": "integer",
"description": "The length for data type."
"default": {
"table": {
"name": "guardrails_gcp_network_vpntunnel",
"label": "GCP > Network > VPN Tunnel",
"extendsTable": "cmdb_ci"
"columns": [
"name": "creation_timestamp",
"label": "Creation Timestamp"
"name": "description",
"label": "Description"
"name": "detailed_status",
"label": "Detailed Status"
"name": "id",
"label": "ID"
"name": "ike_version",
"label": "IKE Version"
"name": "kind",
"label": "Kind"
"name": "local_traffic_selector",
"label": "Local Traffic Selector",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "peer_external_gateway",
"label": "Peer External Gateway"
"name": "peer_external_gateway_interface",
"label": "Peer External Gateway Interface"
"name": "peer_gcp_gateway",
"label": "Peer GCP Gateway"
"name": "peer_ip",
"label": "Peer IP"
"name": "project",
"label": "Project"
"name": "region",
"label": "Region"
"name": "remote_traffic_selector",
"label": "Remote Traffic Selector",
"type": "string",
"size": 1000
"name": "router",
"label": "Router"
"name": "self_link",
"label": "Self Link"
"name": "shared_secret",
"label": "Shared Secret"
"name": "shared_secret_hash",
"label": "Shared Secret Hash"
"name": "status",
"label": "Status"
"name": "target_vpn_gateway",
"label": "Target VPN Gateway"
"name": "vpn_gateway",
"label": "VPN Gateway"
"name": "vpn_gateway_interface",
"label": "VPN Gateway Interface",
"type": "integer"
"name": "vpn_gateway_name",
"label": "VPN Gateway Name"
"name": "vpn_tunnel_name",
"label": "Name"