Database Upgrade and Storage Optimization

In this guide, you will

  • Resize and/or upgrade a database engine version with minimal downtime using AWS and PostgreSQL tools.

Efficient management of database resources ensures optimal storage utilization, minimizes costs, and enhances performance by reducing unused storage. This process also ensures seamless version upgrades with minimal disruption.


  • Access to the Guardrails AWS account with Administrator Privileges.
  • PostgreSQL client installed on the bastion host.
  • Ensure logical replication is supported and enabled on the database engine.
  • Knowledge of the current database usage (storage and version).

Step 1: Spin up a new TED

  • Create a new TED with the same name as the original, appending -blue or -green to the end.
  • If performing a database version upgrade, use the DB Engine Version and Read Replica DB Engine Version parameters under the "Database - Advanced - Engine" section. Set the appropriate DB Engine Parameter Group Family and the Hive RDS Parameter Group under the "Database - Advanced - Parameters" section.
  • Set the allocated storage to match the current disk usage (e.g., if 210 GB out of 500 GB is used, set allocated storage to 210 GB) using the Allocated Storage in GB parameter under the "Database - Advanced - Storage" section.
  • Set the maximum allocated storage to a suitable value using the Maximum Allocated Storage limit in GB parameter under the "Database - Advanced - Storage" section.
  • Set up encryption by configuring the Custom Hive Key parameter to use the original KMS key under the "Advanced - Infrastructure" section. This should be the Key ID, typically formatted as: 1111233-abcd-4444-2322-123456789012.
  • Keep the other parameters the same.

Step 2: Enable Logical Replication

  • Go to the AWS Console and navigate to the relevant parameter group.
  • Set rds.logical_replical to 1 if it’s not already set.
  • Reboot the DB instance (expected downtime is ~50 seconds).

Step 3: Set Master Password

  • Set the master password for both instances via the AWS UI.

Step 4: Setup and Connect to Bastion Host

  • Update the CloudFormation stack:
  • Set the bastion host image to /aws/service/ami-amazon-linux-latest/al2023-ami-kernel-6.1-x86_64.
  • Set RootVolumeSize to a bit larger than the original DB size (e.g., if 300 GB is used, set RootVolumeSize to 350 GB).
  • Start a session (link in the Output section of the stack).
  • Install or update the PostgreSQL client:

For PostgreSQL 15:

sudo dnf install postgresql15.x86_64 postgresql15-server -y

For PostgreSQL 16:

sudo yum install -y gcc readline-devel libicu-devel zlib-devel openssl-devel
sudo wget
sudo tar -xvzf postgresql-16.3.tar.gz
cd postgresql-16.3
sudo ./configure --bindir=/usr/bin --with-openssl
sudo make -C src/bin install
sudo make -C src/include install
sudo make -C src/interfaces install

Step 5: Create a Temporary Folder for Migrations

Create a folder and set the necessary permissions:

sudo mkdir tmp_migrations
sudo chmod 777 tmp_migrations
cd tmp_migrations

Step 6: Set Environment Variables

Set the necessary environment variables:

export SOURCE=<source_db_endpoint>
export TARGET=<target_db_endpoint>
export PGPASSWORD=<master_password_set_in_step_3>

Step 7: Create Publisher and Replication Slot in Original Instance

Create a publication and replication slot:

psql --host=$SOURCE --username=master --dbname=turbot
SELECT \* FROM pg_create_logical_replication_slot('rs_blue', 'pgoutput');

Step 8: Dump the Entire Source DB

Use pg_dump to create a dump of the source database:

nohup pg_dump -h $SOURCE -U master -F c -b -v -f data.dump turbot > dump.log 2>&1

Step 9: Restore the Dump in the Target DB

Restore the database in the target instance:

nohup pg_restore -h $TARGET -U master --verbose --no-publications --no-subscriptions --clean --if-exists -d turbot data.dump > restore.log 2>&1

Step 10: Add Triggers

Check the restore log file (restore.log) and make sure there are only 11 entries per schema when you run the below -

cat restore.log | grep error

Set local search path

psql --host=$TARGET --username=master --dbname=turbot
set local search_path to <workspace_schema>, public;
set local search_path to <workspace_schema>;
create trigger control_category_path_au after update on control_categories for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('controls', 'control_category_id', 'control_category_path');
create trigger control_resource_category_path_au after update on resource_categories for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('controls', 'resource_category_id', 'resource_category_path');
create trigger control_resource_types_path_au after update on resource_types for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('controls', 'resource_type_id', 'resource_type_path');
create trigger control_types_path_au after update on control_types for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('controls', 'control_type_id', 'control_type_path');
create trigger policy_category_path_au after update on control_categories for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('policy_values', 'control_category_id', 'control_category_path');
create trigger policy_resource_category_path_au after update on resource_categories for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('policy_values', 'resource_category_id', 'resource_category_path');
create trigger policy_resource_types_path_au after update on resource_types for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('policy_values', 'resource_type_id', 'resource_type_path');
create trigger policy_types_path_au after update on policy_types for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('policy_values', 'policy_type_id', 'policy_type_path');
create trigger resource_resource_category_path_au after update on resource_categories for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('resources', 'resource_category_id', 'resource_category_path');
create trigger resource_resource_type_path_au after update on resource_types for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure types_path_au('resources', 'resource_type_id', 'resource_type_path');
create trigger resource_types_500_rt_path_update_au after update on resource_types for each row when (old.path is distinct from new.path) execute procedure update_types_path();

Step 11: Create Subscription in the New DB Instance

Create a subscription in the target database:

psql --host=$TARGET --username=master --dbname=turbot
CREATE SUBSCRIPTION sub_blue CONNECTION 'host=<source_db_endpoint> port=5432 password=<master_password> user=master dbname=turbot' PUBLICATION pub_blue WITH (
copy_data = false,
create_slot = false,
enabled = false,
synchronous_commit = false,
connect = true,
slot_name = 'rs_blue'
SELECT * FROM pg_replication_origin;
SELECT pg_replication_origin_advance('output_from_step_above','<output_from_replication_slot');

Step 12: Monitor Progress

Run the following in the source database to monitor the replication progress:

SELECT slot_name, confirmed_flush_lsn as flushed, pg_current_wal_lsn(), (pg_current_wal_lsn() - confirmed_flush_lsn) AS lsn_distance FROM pg_catalog.pg_replication_slots WHERE slot_type = 'logical';

Step 13: Test Data

Run the following queries to compare the count of functions, triggers, indexes, and constraints between the source and target databases:


SELECT count(trigger_name), trigger_schema FROM information_schema.triggers group by trigger_schema;


SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name, COUNT(i.indexname) AS index_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_indexes i JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON i.schemaname = n.nspname WHERE n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') GROUP BY n.nspname ORDER BY index_count DESC;


SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name, COUNT(p.proname) AS function_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_proc p LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = p.pronamespace WHERE n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') GROUP BY n.nspname ORDER BY function_count DESC;


SELECT n.nspname AS schema_name, COUNT(c.conname) AS constraint_count FROM pg_catalog.pg_constraint c JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON c.connamespace = n.oid WHERE n.nspname NOT IN ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') GROUP BY n.nspname ORDER BY constraint_count DESC;

Trigger count by status:

SELECT count(tgname), tgenabled FROM pg_trigger GROUP by tgenabled;

Step 14: Turn Off Events (Optional)

Disable events as per the guidelines: Pause Events.

Step 15: Rename DB Instances

  • Rename the primary instance by appending -green.
  • Rename the new instance by removing the -blue suffix.

Step 16: Turn On Events

Refer to the documentation: Turn On Events.

Step 17: Rename the Old Instance

Rename the old instance from -green to -blue. Execute a Green/Blue deployment.

Step 18: Run Smoke Tests

Test the restored and new database instances to confirm the upgrade.

Step 19: Clean Up

Delete the new TED stack, delete the associated resources listed below, and clean up replication slots and subscriptions.

  • S3 bucket
  • Log groups
  • AWS Backup

Next Steps

  • Review additional runbooks for database maintenance or resource optimization.
  • Refer to Guardrails documentation for further insights.


Permission IssuesIf the current logged-in user lacks permission to modify, update, or create resources in the stack, or if IAM roles or SCPs have changed, preventing built-in roles from accessing needed configuration settings.Troubleshoot Permission Issues
Further AssistanceIf you continue to encounter issues, please open a ticket with us and attach the relevant information to assist you more efficiently.Open Support Ticket