Getting Started with Turbot Guardrails Enterprise
Turbot Guardrails Enterprise is a cloud-native application, built from the ground up on Amazon Web Services (AWS). A dedicated AWS account is recommended for installing Turbot Guardrails Enterprise.
Installation Overview
At a high level, the installation process involves 3 stages:
Installing Turbot Guardrails Enterprise via Turbot Portfolio Manager and AWS Service Catalog:
- Install the Collective via the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation product
- Install the Hive via the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Database product
- Install a version via the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise product
Creating Workspaces via the Turbot Guardrails Workspace Manager CloudFormation Custom Resource.
Performing one-time post-installation steps
Prerequisite – Importing a Portfolio
Turbot Guardrails Products are published through AWS Service Catalog.
Portfolios provide a collection of products that can be installed and configured via the Service Catalog. Turbot Guardrails portfolios are only available to customers after being shared / given permission – Contact your Turbot Guardrails Solutions Engineer if you require permission to a Turbot Guardrails Portfolio.
To import the portfolio(s)
- In your Turbot Guardrails master account, import the portfolio into each region that you will install into. Portfolio links are provided below.
- After importing the portfolio, you must grant access to the portfolio in Service Catalog so that users may deploy the products.
- Once the portfolio is imported, and you have been granted access, you can provision Turbot products from Service Catalog Product List.
Turbot Guardrails Portfolio
Region | Portfolio |
ap-south-1 | port-neo73tqls24he |
ap-southeast-1 | port-i4uxfyvlszine |
ap-southeast-2 | port-mqrb5j263sbnu |
ca-central-1 | port-oqi3phgemnvho |
eu-central-1 | port-gsp6rwefdjhjk |
eu-west-1 | port-r2f6tscrxgoz2 |
eu-west-2 | port-c3xxvwv4dlvtm |
eu-west-3 | port-52avvwkyky5kk |
sa-east-1 | port-ssp6vdgvkgghy |
us-east-1 | port-3vneddg6vujhq |
us-east-2 | port-weusplgp6bmua |
us-west-1 | port-lot26rdlx4iry |
us-west-2 | port-u4rbevxpzwj3m |
us-gov-west-1 | port-akp7iklcswqba |