
Launch Week 2 is a wrap!

ServiceNow integration for Guardrails, unbundled Steampipe plugins for Postgres and SQLite, enterprise features for Turbot Pipes, and a new open-source project: Flowpipe!

Turbot Team
5 min. read - Dec 15, 2023
ServiceNow integration for Guardrails, unbundled Steampipe plugins for Postgres and SQLite, enterprise features for Turbot Pipes, and a new open-source project: Flowpipe!

Our announcements this week span the breadth of Turbot offerings, from Turbot Guardrails' new ServiceNow integration, to the unbundling of Steampipe plugins for use with any Postgres or SQLite database (or as standalone export tools), to our new open-source cloud scripting engine Flowpipe, to Turbot Pipes' new enterprise tier.

Watch the Wrap Party

Full Week Recap

Monday Dec 11: Turbot Guardrails and ServiceNow: Better together

Guardrails now integrates with ServiceNow in both directions.

Guardrails → ServiceNow. Guardrails users can sync AWS, Azure, and GCP resources to ServiceNow, in realtime, to improve visibility and accuracy. See Continuous Cloud CMDB Sync with ServiceNow & Turbot Guardrails for details and a demo.

ServiceNow → Guardrails. Sync ServiceNow data, such as Cost Centers and Apps, directly into Guardrails. Enrich your cloud resources, automations and security controls with context straight from your ServiceNow CMDB. See ServiceNow + Guardrails: Context-aware cloud & security automation for details and a demo.

Tuesday Dec 12: Zero-ETL: Steampipe plugins for any Postgres or SQLite database, and as standalone export tools

People have often asked: "Why can't we use Steampipe plugins in our own Postgres databases?" Now the answer is: "You can!" Every Steampipe plugin is now available as a standalone FDW that you can load as an extension in your own Postgres database. More than 100 new Postgres FDWs just appeared in the world, enabling any Postgres database to tap into the thousands of tables available in the growing Steampipe ecosystem. See Zero-ETL for Postgres for details and a demo.

But wait, there's more! Plugins are now also available as SQLite extensions that map plugin-provided tables to virtual tables in the world's most widely deployed database. See Zero-ETL for SQLite for details and a demo.

And we didn't stop there. You can also use plugins as standalone export tools. It's the zeroest of our zero-ETL offerings: no database required. See Command-line Zero-ETL for details and a demo.

Wednesday Dec 13: Flowpipe: The cloud scripting engine for DevOps

What's a cloud scripting engine? In our view, it's a tool that enables you to:

  • Orchestrate your cloud. Build simple steps into complex workflows. Run and test locally. Compose solutions across clouds using open source mods.

  • Connect people and tools. Connect your cloud data to people and systems using email, chat & APIs. Workflow steps can even run containers, custom functions, and more.

  • Respond to events. Run workflows manually or on a schedule. Trigger pipelines from webhooks or changes in data.

  • Use code, not clicks. Build and deploy DevOps workflows like infrastructure. Code in HCL and deploy from version control.

That tool is Flowpipe, a new open-source project from Turbot. Define workflows with HCL, with pipeline steps that use Flowpipe libraries, Steampipe queries, custom functions, or containers to get the job done.

It's supported by the Flowpipe Hub with 28 libraries and 35 samples to get you up and running immediately.

See Flowpipe: The cloud scripting engine for details and a demo.

Thursday Dec 14: Turbot Pipes Enterprise

With support for multiple organizations, isolated tenants and SAML Authentication, Turbot Pipes Enterprise elevates the standard of cloud intelligence and security for enterprises. Building on the Team tier's features, it offers enhanced collaboration, enterprise-grade security, and improved scalability, making it ideal for larger organizations. And like the Team tier, the Enterprise tier offers a 14-day free trial. Check out the details and give it a try!

Friday Dec 15: Community highlights

2023 was a busy and productive year for our contributors. The flurry of activity during Hacktoberfest was just part of the story. Throughout the year, more than 100 contributors created or updated plugins and mods, improved the CLI and plugin SDK, wrote documentation, and gave talks or wrote blog posts about Steampipe. See Community highlights for details, and thanks again to everyone who contributed time, thought, and effort to make Steampipe better. We look forward to hearing from you in 2024!

And that's a wrap!

The announcements this week are individually exciting, but the Turbot story is bigger than the sum of its parts. Our products work together to deliver cloud security and intelligence with incomparable breadth, depth, power, speed, and versatility. And there's more to come. Enjoy the current batch of new products and features, let us know how it goes, and stay tuned for our next Launch Week in a few months!