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Edit on GitHubGuardrails Response Time
AlarmName: <prefix>_<te_version>_turbot_response_time_alarm
(example: turbot_5_40_0_turbot_response_time_alarm
Description: Response Time for API & UI requests to the ALB.
Condition: TargetResponseTime >= 3 for 1 datapoints within 1 minute.
Healthy: Steady, low response times below 1s. Includes periods with no data / traffic.
Hot Spots: Spikes of slow performance, indicating overloading or slow handling.
Go to CloudWatch Insights and filter for the log group /turbot/{hive}/api/audit
and run the following query. The below
will give long-running queries, please share the same with Turbot Support so that we can troubleshoot further and
fine tune the queries.
fields @timestamp, detail.request.body.operationName as Operation, as workspace, toMillis(@ingestionTime-@timestamp) as duration, @message| filter toMillis(@ingestionTime-@timestamp) > 2000| sort @timestamp desc| limit 100
Need help?
Please reach out to Turbot Support with the collected information.
- The current TE version being used.
- A screenshot of the widget "Guardrails Response Time" under the "API" section of the CloudWatch TE Dashboard.