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Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation (TEF) Installation

The Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation stack creates networking components that will be shared by all workspaces.


Launch the TEF Service Catalog item

  1. In the AWS Console, navigate to Service Catalog in the region into which you wish to install TEF.
  2. Select Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation from the Products list and click "Launch Product."
  3. Select a Name for the provisioned project. Typically, this will be "tef".
  4. Select a Version. Usually, you will want the latest version.


  1. Enter the Installation Domain Name.

    • This should be the base domain name for the installation (for example, This should be unique per Turbot installation – you cannot share an Installation Domain Name across multiple collectives.
    • Workspaces will be set up as subdomains of this installation domain (for example,
    • If you elect to create a public API gateway, it will also be a subdomain of the installation domain (for example,
    • Domain names CANNOT be shared across multiple TEF installs if the API Gateway is deployed. Attempting to do so will result in connection errors.
  2. Enter the Turbot Certificate ARN to be used for the Turbot Console (and gateway, if applicable) in this region.

    • This must be the ARN of an ACM certificate in this region.
    • The certificate domain name must match the Installation Domain Name.
    • Wildcard certificates should include entries for the base Installation Domain Name and a wildcard for workspaces. Example: and *
    • For environments where wildcard certs are not allowed, the certification should include the base Installation Domain Name, all workspace domain names and any public API gateways.
    A wildcard certificate is highly recommended. Without a wildcard cert, the certificate will need to be updated with the new workspaces as they are brought online.
  3. Select whether Turbot domain names should be managed in Route53.

    • When enabled, Turbot will manage blue/green deployments by swapping DNS names during version upgrades

    • If the API gateway feature and Route53 management are enabled, Turbot will manage routing to the nearest regional gateway.

    • To use this feature, you must host the DNS zone for the Installation Domain Name in Route 53 in the Turbot account.

      It is highly recommended that you allow Turbot to manage DNS records in Route53. If you choose not to do so, you must manually update DNS records every time you install a new version in your workspaces.
  4. Each region must be given a different Region Code identifier, allowing the stacks to be automatically coordinated for peering etc. Select "Alpha" as the Region Code for this first region.


  1. Select the Turbot Handler Log Retention Days or keep the default.
  2. Select the Audit Trail Log Retention Days or keep the default.


If desired, the Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation setup can create the VPC to host Turbot. Alternatively, you can install Turbot into an existing VPC.

Network - This Region [Option A - Created in this Stack]

To have TEF create the Turbot VPC, enter the required information in Network - This Region [Option A - Created in this Stack] and leave all fields in Network - This Region [Option B Predefined] blank!.
  1. Enter the CIDR ranges for the TEF Subnets. These CIDR ranges must all fall within the range specified for the VPC in the previous step.

    • CIDRS fall into 3 categories – any subnet with an empty CIDR will NOT be created:
      • Public Subnets will route through an Internet Gateway, allowing public IP addresses to be used. If you wish to access the Turbot Console via the Internet, on a public IP address, then you should configure one or more public subnets to host the load balancers.
      • Turbot Subnets are configured as private subnets that may route outbound to the internet via a NAT gateway, but not inbound. Turbot application servers and containers will be launched in these subnets.
      • Database Subnets are configured as private subnets with no inbound or outbound access – only VPC traffic is routed to and from these subnets. These subnets can be used to host the Postgres database instances.
    • Note that for each subnet type, there are 3 possible subnets. These correspond to 3 different availability zones. As stated previously, a subnet with an empty CIDR will not be created – If you wish to create a 2 AZ network, only enter CIDRs for subnets #1 and #2, for example.
    Any subnet with an empty CIDR will NOT be created.
  2. Enter the desired NAT Gateway High Availability configuration.  For a production deployment, you should choose Multi-AZ.

Network - This Region [Option B - Predefined]

To install Turbot into an existing VPC, enter the required information in Network - This Region [Option B - Predefined]

Note that Turbot requires outbound https to the Internet from the load balancer and application (Turbot) subnets. This can be routed through your proxy if desired. If using a proxy, you must also create VPC endpoints to allow fargate to access the following AWS services:
  • CloudWatch Logs
  • S3
  1. Enter the VPC ID that will be used to host Turbot in the VPC field. This VPC must already exist. If empty, then a new VPC will be deployed by this stack, per Network - This Region [Option A - Created in this Stack].
  2. In the Load Balancer Subnets field, enter a comma separated list of subnet IDs where the load balancers will be deployed. These subnets may be public facing or internal facing, and can be identical to the Application Subnet IDs. Id you have selected a pre-defined VPC, you MUST specify Load Balancer Subnet Ids here.
  3. In the Application (Turbot) Subnets field, enter a comma separated list of subnet IDs where the Turbot Containers and private lambda functions (such as the workspace manager) will be deployed. If you have selected a pre-defined VPC, you MUST specify Application (Turbot) Subnet IDs here. These subnets must be able to route https outbound to the Internet, either directly or through a proxy.
  4. In the Database Subnets field, enter a comma separated list of subnet IDs where the databases will be deployed. If you have selected a pre-defined VPC, you MUST specify Database Subnet IDs here.

Network – Load Balancer

Enter load balancing and gateway information.

  1. Select the load balancer scheme. The scheme determines if the load balancer is internal or internet-facing. If internet-facing then the load balancer subnets must be "public". Otherwise, the subnets should be "turbot".
  2. Enter a CIDR for inbound access from Clients / Users: The CIDR range for inbound traffic to the Turbot load balancer (i.e. end users). Typically this will be, but may be updated for environments with limited access requirements.
  3. If you choose to use an internal load balancer, you should set Create public API gateway to Enabled. This will create an API Gateway that allows Turbot to receive real-time events.

Network - Proxy

Enter Network – Proxy information if you wish to configure Turbot application containers and VPC lambdas to use a proxy server for outbound HTTPS. Note that controls and calculated policies running in most Lambda functions do not use the proxy configuration since they are outside the VPC.

  1. HTTP_PROXY: HTTP_PROXY configuration used by the Turbot application containers for HTTP requests, e.g. Default is null (no proxy).
  2. HTTPS_PROXY: HTTPS_PROXY configuration used by the Turbot application containers for HTTPS requests, e.g. or Default is null (no proxy).
  3. NO_PROXY: NO_PROXY configuration used by the Turbot application containers as exceptions to the HTTPS_PROXY and HTTP_PROXY settings, e.g., localhost. *Be aware that the node.js AWS SDK does not support passing some AWS services through the proxy but not others. Either the proxy handles all traffic to the AWS service endpoints, or it should handle none of them.

Network - Security Groups

If you are using a pre-defined VPC, you will need to create security groups that allow access appropriate to your environment. The Guardrails-Samples repo contains Cloudformation to build these for you. Add additional ports to these three security group to meet your organizational needs. Do not remove ports or security group relationships.

  1. Custom Outbound Security Group ID A security group that allows the container services outbound access to the database and aws services. If you use an http proxy, you will need to add an egress rule to the custom security group to be able to allow the containers to access it. You may also need outbound access for other infrastructure services, such as DNS.

    A. Minimum Requirements
    - Ingress: None
    - Egress: HTTPS (443), HTTP (80), DNS (tcp,udp:53), NTP (123)
  2. Custom Load Balancer Security Group ID A custom load balancer Security Group id that has ingress rules for accessing the turbot application.

    A. Minimum Requirements
    - Ingress: HTTPS (443)
    - Egress: ECS API Tasks (port range: 32768 to 65535) to the API Service Security Group only
  3. Custom Api Service Security Group A custom Api service Security Group id that has restricted outbound access and inbound access to load balancer.

    A. Minimum Requirements
    - Ingress: Loopback HTTPS (443)
    - Egress: ECS API Tasks (port range: 32768 to 65535) to the Load Balancer Security Group only

Advanced - Scaling

Set Scaling options. The defaults are usually sufficient:

  1. Autoscaling target CPU utilisation: Target CPU Utilization for ECS EC2 instances in Turbot Autoscaling Group. The current recommended setting is 50.
  2. API Desired Scale Size: The number of simultaneous API tasks that you want to run on the cluster. The current recommended setting is 1.
  3. API Minimum Scale Size: The minimum value that API Auto Scaling can use to scale a target during a scaling activity. The current recommended setting is 1.
  4. API Maximum Scale Size: The maximum value that API Auto Scaling can use to scale a target during a scaling activity. The current recommended setting is 2.

Advanced - Deployment

  1. Select the portfolio lifecycle Release Phase for deployment (development, staging, or production). This should usually be "production".

  2. Select a prefix to be used for all resources created in the stack or use the default (turbot). Because this prefix will be used across many resource types and different resource types have different name restrictions, you should avoid special characters and uppercase letters.

    It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED that you use the default prefix! The TEF Stack will export the parameters that you have select to an SSM parameter, and they will use this prefix. Using the default will greatly simplify TE deployments and upgrades.

Run the Stack

  1. Click through to review your changes and then launch the stack.
  2. Verify that the stack completes successfully.

Termination Protection

  1. To ensure that the TEF stack is not accidentally deleted, it is strongly recommend that termination protection is enabled. his can be done via the following steps once the stack is in the OK state:
    1. Log into the AWS account containing the Turbot install.
    2. Navigate to the CloudFormation Service.
    3. Select the TEF stack. The description of the correct stack should say Turbot Guardrails Enterprise Foundation.
    4. Click Stack Actions.
    5. Click Edit Termination Protection.
    6. Switch the setting from Disabled to Enabled, then click the Save button.