azure-compute v5.17.0 - Configure Trusted Launch for second generation virtual machines

Jul 08, 2024

What's new?

  • Users can now enable/disable Trusted Launch for all second generation virtual machines. To get started, set the Azure > Compute > Virtual Machine > Trusted launch policy.
  • You can now configure Encryption at Rest for Disks. To get started, set the Azure > Compute > Disk > Encryption at Rest > * policies.

Control Types

  • Azure > Compute > Disk > Encryption at Rest
  • Azure > Compute > Virtual Machine > Trusted Launch

Policy Types

  • Azure > Compute > Disk > Encryption at Rest
  • Azure > Compute > Disk > Encryption at Rest > Disk Encryption Set
  • Azure > Compute > Virtual Machine > Trusted launch

Action Types

  • Azure > Compute > Disk > Update Encryption at Rest
  • Azure > Compute > Virtual Machine > Update Trusted Luanch