Updating the Turbot Guardrails CLI

The Turbot Guardrails CLI periodically checks for new CLI versions. If a newer version is available, a notification message will be displayed when any command completes in the Turbot Guardrails CLI, indicating the current version and the available new version, along with the necessary information that is required to update to the new version.

A typical output looks like:

New patch version of the CLI is available!
1.19.1 → 1.19.3
Changelog: https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs/releases/cli
You can update by downloading from https://turbot.com/guardrails/docs/releases/cli

Information sent to the server

Only anonymous information, which cannot be used to identify the user or host, is sent to server.

Such information includes:

  • The CPU architecture and endianness
  • The Operating System type (e.g. Windows/Linux/MacOS) and version

Along with these, an anonymous ID is sent which helps us in de-duplicating requests.

The anonymous ID is a randomly generated string and not based on any personally identifiable information.

Disabling Update Checks

Use of the feature is optional and can be disabled by setting the TURBOT_UPDATE_CHECK_DISABLE environment variable to any non-empty value or by passing --update-check-disable in the command-line.

Alternatively, setting updateCheckDisable: true in the configuration file (~/.config/turbot/config.yml) disables the feature completely.

Please note that the feature is enabled by default.