Command: registry

The turbot registry set of commands is used to manage mods in the Turbot Guardrails mod registry.


Usage: turbot registry <subcommand> [options]

Supported Sub-commands

turbot registry publishPublish the mod to the Turbot Guardrails mod registry.
turbot registry modifyModify a mod already published to the Turbot Guardrails mod registry.

turbot registry publish

Publishes a mod to the Turbot Guardrails mod registry.

The supported options are:

  • --username : Mod registry username.
  • --password : Mod registry password.
  • --registry : Registry to publish Mod to. (default:
  • --zip-file : Bypass mod build process and just publish the given file. Must be a fully formed zipped mod.
  • --wait : Wait for the mod to be in 'available' state in the registry before returning.
  • --strict : Run inspect before publishing and do not publish if inspect fails.
  • --status : The status to set the mod after publishing. Can be one of available, recommended, unavailable.
  • --force-recommended : Set selected mod version to RECOMMENDED and set any mod version currently set as RECOMMENDED to AVAILABLE. Overrides --status.
  • --help : Show help.

turbot registry modify

Modifies a mod already present in Turbot Guardrails mod registry.

The supported options are:

  • --credentials-file filename - Path to the shared credentials file. The default is ~/.config/turbot/credentials.yml
  • --profile : The name of the Turbot profile to display. If omitted, all profiles are listed.
  • --help : Show help.
  • --username : Turbot Guardrails mod registry username.
  • --password : Turbot Guardrails mod registry password.
  • --registry : Turbot Guardrails mod registry to use. (default:
  • --mod : The full mod name, e.g. @turbot/aws.
  • --mod-version : Turbot mod version to modify.
  • --status : The status to set the mod after publishing. Can be one of available, recommended, unavailable.
  • --force-recommended : Set selected mod version to RECOMMENDED and set any mod version currently set as RECOMMENDED to AVAILABLE. Overrides --status.
  • --description : Mod description.