Turbot Guardrails CLI Commands

Turbot Guardrails CLI supports the following commands:

awsManage credentials for AWS profiles
completionGenerate CLI auto-complete script
composeCompose a mod. Resolve all inclusion directives starting from 'package.source', output to 'package.main.'
configureAlias for turbot workspace configure
downloadDownload mod zip file from registry
graphqlExecute GraphQL queries and mutations against the Turbot Guardrails API
initCreate a new mod and initialise with common controls
inspectDisplay summary information about the mod
installDownload mod header files for all dependencies and install in turbot_mods folder
loginLogin to Turbot Guardrails mod registry. Required before running 'publish' or 'install'
packPack the mod into a zipfile
publishPublish the mod to the Turbot Guardrails mod registry
templateManage template based resources
testRun tests for the mod
upDeploy the mod to a Turbot Guardrails workspace
vcr <command>Background process to record and mock HTTP requests. Commonly used with 'turbot test'
workspaceManage Turbot Guardrails workspace credentials for this machine

Global Options

  • --version | Show CLI version
  • --help | Show help