Getting Started with Turbot Guardrails Enterprise

Turbot Guardrails Enterprise is a cloud-native application, built from the ground up on Amazon Web Services (AWS). A dedicated AWS account is recommended for installing Turbot Guardrails Enterprise.

Installation Overview

At a high level, the installation process involves 3 stages:

  1. Installing Turbot Guardrails Enterprise via Turbot Portfolio Manager and AWS Service Catalog:

  2. Creating Workspaces via the Turbot Guardrails Workspace Manager CloudFormation Custom Resource.

  3. Performing one-time post-installation steps

Prerequisite – Importing a Portfolio

Turbot Guardrails Products are published through AWS Service Catalog.

Portfolios provide a collection of products that can be installed and configured via the Service Catalog. Turbot Guardrails portfolios are only available to customers after being shared / given permission – Contact your Turbot Guardrails Solutions Engineer if you require permission to a Turbot Guardrails Portfolio.

To import the portfolio(s)

  1. In your Turbot Guardrails master account, import the portfolio into each region that you will install into. Portfolio links are provided below.
  2. After importing the portfolio, you must grant access to the portfolio in Service Catalog so that users may deploy the products.
  3. Once the portfolio is imported, and you have been granted access, you can provision Turbot products from Service Catalog Product List.

Turbot Guardrails Portfolio