
New: Apollo UI preview

We are happy to make this preview available to all Turbot Guardrails customers (running v5.33.0 or higher) starting today. To celebrate the launch, we have published a five-minute video covering the best new features of Apollo on YouTube.

Turbot Team
5 min. read - Nov 16, 2020
We are happy to make this preview available to all Turbot Guardrails customers (running v5.33.0 or higher) starting today. To celebrate the launch, we have published a five-minute video covering the best new features of Apollo on YouTube.

Turbot Guardrails has been in customer hands for over a year, and during that time we have been working closely with users to understand their day-to-day workflows and how they use Turbot Guardrails as part of it. To improve productivity for those users and help new users get up to speed quickly with Turbot Guardrails we have been working on a new UI (code named Apollo) that is a bold new approach to getting our users to the governance information they need in a clean, consistent and approachable user interface.

Preview of Apollo UI

We are happy to make this preview available to all Turbot Guardrails customers (running v5.33 or higher) starting today. To celebrate the launch, we have published a five-minute video covering the best new features of Apollo on YouTube.

Features in the video:

  • Refreshed user interface.
  • New AWS Account, GCP Project, and Azure Subscription import screen with status progress bar.
  • New dedicated UI for Smart Folder creation and management.
  • Standardized UX for creating multi-select filters in all search fields.
  • New reporting dashboard with 24 pre-canned reports.

Over the coming weeks we will be doing deeper dives into some additional new features as well as tips and tricks video content. To stay up-to-date and be notified of new content, please like and subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you need any assistance, let us know in our Slack community #guardrails channel. If you are new to Turbot, connect with us to learn more!